This started as a blog post overviewing options for us RVing nomads … and it turned into a 26,000 word book. We apparently had a lot of information in our brains to dump, way too much for a blog post.
So after weeks of late night writing, tweaking and polishing – it’s ready!
It’s available as a PDF or ePub file directly from us using your PayPal account. We’ve also made it available on Amazon Kindle.
We’ll also soon have it available on Apple iBooks and for purchase as a printed book – just as soon as those channels have completed their setup process. Check back at the book’s home at for availability.
The Mobile Internet Handbook is a guide to mobile internet options for RVers in the USA. Cellular data, WiFi, satellite, HAM and more.
This book is written by full time RVing ‘technomads’ Chris and Cherie of As we work online running our software development business remotely, internet is essential to allow us to travel full time.
In this handbook, we share everything we’ve learned about assembling a mobile internet arsenal that balances your budget and needs for connectivity. We base this off our extensive real world experience of navigating the varying options and frustrations as full time RVers since 2006.
The book covers cellular, WiFi, satellite, HAM, cable/DSL, boosting, hints & tricks, managing bandwidth and most importantly — setting your expectations for what life on the road with mobile internet is like. We share information you need to know to help understand your options and build your own arsenal to suit your needs.
Preview – Click to Enlarge!
This handbook is geared specifically towards US based internet options, and does not specifically cover international travel. And more precisely, it is geared towards frequent or full-time RVers and road warriors, although frequent US travelers will probably find plenty of useful information too. Our aim with the book is not to provide a shopping list of gear to go purchase, but rather give you enough information to build your own unique mobile internet arsenal.
While we do cover specific products, we do not have financial interest in any of the devices, services or products mentioned. We are frequently referred to as ‘tech-Switzerland’, and simply share our opinions and experiences.
This book is written to help those with minimal tech backgrounds as well as geeks like us; for folks who just need to get online for a little e-mail & surfing, to fellow bandwidth junkies who need as much internet as they can get.
Chris and Cherie have decades of combined technology experience. Chris has worked in the mobile technology industry since the early days of mobile internet, and holds degrees in computer engineering and science. Cherie has been a location independent software developer since the mid-90s. And together we have been on the road working remotely full time since 2006.
Our home on wheels is a living laboratory for mobile technology, and we are delighted to share our experience with you.
And the reviews are coming in!
“It was my pleasure to review an advanced copy of ”The Mobile Internet Handbook” by Technomadia. This is by far the best explanation of the various options to stay connected on the road that I have seen. Cherie and Chris not only sort through all the complexities of the various communications options available, but they do it in a fashion that is entertaining, and easy to read and understand. If you are mystified about how to stay in touch ”on the road” then you need look no further than this ebook. An outstanding treatment of a complex topic! A ”must read” for non-techies, but even geeks will learn something new.”
(Jack is considered a mobile internet guru, and like us, posts a lot about this stuff on his excellent Communications page.)
”The Mobile Internet Handbook that is an easy to understand resource for both new and experienced RVers, explaining the options available, the many different plans offered by the various cell phone companies, and how to get the most out of your equipment.”
(Nick publishes the Gypsy Journal, an awesome full time RVer’s resource that you should definitely check out!)
”Jim read most of it out loud to me and we both were nodding our heads all the way thru. You wrote the book that has been on our list to write for years. I’m glad somebody got around to it!”
(Chris and Jim Guld run GeeksOnTour, computer training materials for travelers. Great resource!)
”It’s well-written, easy-to-understand and goes through all the options for US-based travelers in a fun, clear way. I wish this thing had been out when we started RVing!”
(Nina writes one of our favorite full time RVing blogs, check her out — her stories & photos from the road are very engaging!)
If you’ve read and enjoyed our new book – we’d absolutely love it if you left a review on Amazon! (you don’t have to have bought it there to leave a review.)
Not ready to buy a book, but need some internet ideas?
Links to some of our past indepth mobile internet blog posts:
After buying your book and doing lots of research, we decided to go the cellular route for our road trips, instead of satellite as we were originally thinking…. went with a Novatel Jetpack on the Verizon network.
I want to get a booster for the device, but I think I’ll wait until 2014 to see what else comes into the market as a result of the new FCC regs.
For now we can get some gain with an external antenna. John over AttennaGear said this one would be our best bet… [he said it delivers a 9.2db gain (up to 11db in some of their tests) on both 3G and 4G. And he said it performs much better than rest in forested campsites].
Would you agree? And/or are you able to suggest any alternative products?
Hi Doug… if you refer to the appendix of the book (or our Illustrated Guide to our Mobile Internet Arsenal) – we detail all of the boosting equipment we currently use. We too are in a holding pattern on acquiring new boosting equipment.
Hi Cherie – in the appendix of your book on pg 72 it says, “… unless someone comes out with a great combined 3G/4G antenna, we might always end up needing two.”
That antenna I referenced above in my last comment, is supposed to deliver the same 9db (plus) gain equally as well on both 4G and 3G. Apparently it is using a new type of construction that is performing well in the field. At least that is what I’ve been told.
I bought this book as soon as I learned about it from another RV blogger that I follow, and apearently you two couples follow each other, too. I’ve begun reading it and am learning quite a lot, so thanks a bunch.
I’m gathering as much info as I can so I’ll be prepared when I leave the rat-race behind in my fore-seeable future.
Oh, and that following the Lewis and Clark Trail journey you’re on now-I’m envious. Very envious. Been on my list for a very long time. Can’t wait for fulltiming! Enjoy.
I have been following your nomadic lifestyle adventures for some time and it really rocks! My husband and I are working towards a similar lifestyle change. I was wondering if your book will eventually be available for the Nook Book from Barnes and Nobles?
Hi Wendy.. thanks for writing! As far as Nook goes, we’ll see how it goes managing Kindle and iBooks (the two top grossing eBook formats) first. It’s a lot of work for us independent authors to create content for each store, as they each have their own requirements, plus the accounting, etc. And we’re just starting to get a handle on it all
However, the Nook should be able to read the ePub format we offer directly – you just have to manually install it. Thanks!
So excited to be able to purchase this through Amazon AND support you guys in some small way.
Waiting patiently for “No Excuses” to become available through Amazon. You know, ‘cuz the new book is number one. You should have two #1’s on Amazon!!!
Thanks, you guys, for all you do and share with the mobile community! You da bomb!
Thanks Cyndi! Now that the internet chapter of the ‘No Excuses’ series has been cleared, I can get back to finishing it out
We still haven’t decided if Kindle will be appropriate for it or not – as their pricing terms aren’t compatible with our preferred ‘Pay as you Wish’ model.
Thanks for the discount on an already well priced eBook guys! Katya and I won’t be hitting the road until Fall of 2014 (projected launch) so we’ll have plenty of time to geek up whatever rig we start out in and this ebook is just the ticket to help me out and I’ll watch for the inevitable updates in the meantime. I’ve done a quick skim read (plus checked out your previews and your tech blog) and you’ve done a great job of clearing away much of the techno-fog for me.
After buying your book and doing lots of research, we decided to go the cellular route for our road trips, instead of satellite as we were originally thinking…. went with a Novatel Jetpack on the Verizon network.
I want to get a booster for the device, but I think I’ll wait until 2014 to see what else comes into the market as a result of the new FCC regs.
For now we can get some gain with an external antenna. John over AttennaGear said this one would be our best bet… [he said it delivers a 9.2db gain (up to 11db in some of their tests) on both 3G and 4G. And he said it performs much better than rest in forested campsites].
Would you agree? And/or are you able to suggest any alternative products?
Thanks again.
Hi Doug… if you refer to the appendix of the book (or our Illustrated Guide to our Mobile Internet Arsenal) – we detail all of the boosting equipment we currently use. We too are in a holding pattern on acquiring new boosting equipment.
Hi Cherie – in the appendix of your book on pg 72 it says, “… unless someone comes out with a great combined 3G/4G antenna, we might always end up needing two.”
That antenna I referenced above in my last comment, is supposed to deliver the same 9db (plus) gain equally as well on both 4G and 3G. Apparently it is using a new type of construction that is performing well in the field. At least that is what I’ve been told.
Hi Doug – That looks like a great find for an antenna!
I am glad to see a wider range of 3G/4G antennas coming out now, and we will definitely be eager to hear how well it works for you.
Please keep us posted, and I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for other first-hand reports on how well these antennas work.
– Chris
I really need a mobile internet.. thanks for the info and more power to you guys !
I bought this book as soon as I learned about it from another RV blogger that I follow, and apearently you two couples follow each other, too. I’ve begun reading it and am learning quite a lot, so thanks a bunch.
I’m gathering as much info as I can so I’ll be prepared when I leave the rat-race behind in my fore-seeable future.
Oh, and that following the Lewis and Clark Trail journey you’re on now-I’m envious. Very envious. Been on my list for a very long time. Can’t wait for fulltiming! Enjoy.
Dear Cherie and Chris,
I have been following your nomadic lifestyle adventures for some time and it really rocks! My husband and I are working towards a similar lifestyle change. I was wondering if your book will eventually be available for the Nook Book from Barnes and Nobles?
Thank you!
Hi Wendy.. thanks for writing! As far as Nook goes, we’ll see how it goes managing Kindle and iBooks (the two top grossing eBook formats) first. It’s a lot of work for us independent authors to create content for each store, as they each have their own requirements, plus the accounting, etc. And we’re just starting to get a handle on it all
However, the Nook should be able to read the ePub format we offer directly – you just have to manually install it. Thanks!
So excited to be able to purchase this through Amazon AND support you guys in some small way.
Waiting patiently for “No Excuses” to become available through Amazon. You know, ‘cuz the new book is number one. You should have two #1’s on Amazon!!!
Thanks, you guys, for all you do and share with the mobile community! You da bomb!
Thanks Cyndi! Now that the internet chapter of the ‘No Excuses’ series has been cleared, I can get back to finishing it out
We still haven’t decided if Kindle will be appropriate for it or not – as their pricing terms aren’t compatible with our preferred ‘Pay as you Wish’ model.
Thanks for the discount on an already well priced eBook guys! Katya and I won’t be hitting the road until Fall of 2014 (projected launch) so we’ll have plenty of time to geek up whatever rig we start out in and this ebook is just the ticket to help me out and I’ll watch for the inevitable updates in the meantime. I’ve done a quick skim read (plus checked out your previews and your tech blog) and you’ve done a great job of clearing away much of the techno-fog for me.
Thanks guys! And thanks for the feedback on the price, it’s always tricky trying to find the sweet spot on that.
Yes, I can hardly wait to start reading it. Thank you for taking the time to publish it!
Thank you… we hope it’s an useful aid in your journey!