Shortly before arriving back to Cape Blanco, my Canon S100 that has been my trusty camera sharing a view of our world with you – went kaput.
I was tempted to go with the current model in the same line as my S100, but I just simply never utilized all of the manual settings that the camera is best known for. And as much as phone cameras have advanced, I’m still just not a fan of relying on them. My iPhone 5 camera is fine for a Facebook or Instagram post, but I’ve lost enough captures of special moments to poor quality phone shots, that I’m just not comfortable giving up a quality point and shoot camera.
Chris did some research for my next best camera, and we had a Sony WX350 arrive to meet up with us.
It’s not as feature rich as the Canon Powershot line, or as high end – but it seems to strike the right balance for me in ease of use, quality photos and nifty modern features like 20x optical zoom, WiFi access and lots of effects settings.
I’ve been enjoying strolling around the park and learning my new camera, and thought I’d share some of the snaps I’ve been taking.

So far, I’m enjoying the Sony WX350 and look forward to learning it even more and sharing more photos from our adventures.
I am in Indianapolis, Indiana. I find your pictures
very sharp on my new IPhone 6.
I will view them tomorrow on my Apple IPad Air. I enjoy your adventures.
Best always, Kip S. Moore
Great pics, especially the lens upside down one.
I also have the Canon S100 and my only wish is that it had a better zoom. Great images! I may have to check out this Sony.
I really loved my S100.. until the lens got stuck ‘out’ and quit working. But fine camera otherwise, and I know Nina loves hers too. But so many features and settings I just never got around to learning. The new Sony definitely doesn’t have a lot of the manual stuff of the S100 that more pro style photographers enjoy in their point and shoots.. so it may not be an ideal replacement if you utilize them. But the zoom is awesome!
Outstanding pictures! I really love the. One through the lens and the sunset. And the god one…..great purchase!
Thank you 🙂 I think the new camera will be an excellent new companion.
The new pics are looking SHARP! Good colors…and that zoom is something else. I have new camera envy 🙂
I can only imagine the amazing stuff you’d be able to do with a new camera 🙂
I’ve found a few Fern Gulley’s in my day – they are always favorites. Glad to see you and the new camera are bonding well – great pics!
Fern gullies are so magical and enchanting. I just love the peacefulness of wandering through them.
Love the pictures
Thank you!
Those are absolutely gorgeous pictures. Looks like a place I would like to visit one day. Had no idea that area was so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
This place is definitely one to put on your list to visit.
Familiar sights and beautiful photos. I’d say that Sony does just fine!
I do think it’s a keeper! So glad you got to see this place in person, thanks for stopping by and hope the rest of your adventure is wonderful!
This coast is awesome…really awesome. We are leaving Bullards Beach State Park tomorrow for points north. We saw the lighthouse at Cape Arago today…alas no tours. The weather has been absolutely perfect! Fog rolled in around 3 today. I’m very happy we were able to connect and enjoyed the laughs. Hope your visit with your mom went well. The weather sure cooperated for her visit. I’m afraid the Cape Blanco Lighthouse tour has spoiled us and the other lightshouses on the coast will not measure up.
Your photos are fantastic! I look forward to seeing many more.
New cameras are great excuses to snap more pics.. hopefully many more to be shared 🙂 Thanks.
Beautiful pics!
Thank you 🙂
Some nice photos. Thank you.
Thank you… the comment is much appreciated!
Hi, Cherie!
This is the camera I use, as well. So far I am very pleased with the quality and features. I have it for a couple months. The snow setting has been wonderful for our stay in Jasper and Banff NP with the snow we have received and all the glaciers. There is a definitely difference when I use that setting when taking a snow photo.
Question…What setting did you use for the sunset? I find my cell phone takes better sunset photos than the camera. I don’t like the color and there doesn’t seem to be a sunset setting like the phone.
I especially like that I can carry it in my pocket AND get great photos. Check out a few of our last blog post to see some of the photos.
I’ll keep in mind the snow settings should we ever encounter any 🙂
I honestly don’t recall what setting I had for that particular shot.. I’ve been playing with all the settings.
wonderful photos…i think I will have to check this one out as a small point and shoot….it certainly looks like it is quite diversified ….and of curse having the great place where you are hosting to shoot doesn’t hurt 🙂
True.. hard to say if it’s the location or the camera 🙂 But I am impressed with the camera thus far, think it’ll strike the right balance for me.
Hi Cherie and Chris!
Just seen the two of you on Al Jazaeera America TV and found you to be such an inspiration! As an IT guy myself and for some time been gravitating towards your kind of lifestyle, it’s so good to see that it is possible.
Thanks for your message!
Oh how awesome… glad to connect with you! And welcome to our little corner of the web.
The photos are really great keep up the great work.
Thanks 🙂
Looking forward to visiting the area in early November. Will you guys still be there then? We’ll be coming thru around the 1st or 2nd.
— jc&bev
Afraid we’ll miss ya… but have a delightful visit. Just a heads up however, the lighthouse closes for tours on Oct 31 for the season.
Those photos make me feel like we are there again! Last year i found two “fairy rings” of mushrooms right by that big tree.
We’ve only seen a few mushrooms around this year, but then again.. there’s hasn’t been too much rain lately. Hope you both are doing well!
We are fine, and finally back on the road again!
Sorry to hear of the death of a favoured friend. I’ve found each camera I’ve used for any length of time wormed its way into my affections at least a little. It seems that you’ve found a most capable replacement though and I’m sure it will serve you well, recording many great memories.
Thank you for the content you publish and allowing all of us an insight into your life.
Aww.. thank you. What a sweet comment. I will indeed miss the S100, it was a great companion while it lasted.