A lot of folks tell us – You’re living my dream!’
To which we of course reply:
What’s holding you back from a fully mobile lifestyle?’
Our No Excuses: Go Nomadic series is our extensive brain dump on many of the frequent topics we get asked about.
We’re Chris & Cherie and we’ve been traveling full time since 2006 while working remotely the entire time. We have traveled thus far by 4 different RVs we’ve owned (and a few we didn’t), boat, train, plane, rental cottages and island hopping – all without having a stationary home base.
This series addresses some of the obstacles we’ve had over the years and how we’ve dealt with them. We first launched this series in 2009, and have tried to keep the chapters updated as best we can.
The individual chapters are available to read online as blog posts below. If you appreciate it, we always appreciate contributions to our tip jar below!
Table of Contents
Please enjoy the following online content as our gift to you:
Chapter 1: Jobs, Careers and Income Sources
We offer ideas on earning an income while traveling; including how to transition your existing career, choosing a career that is nomad friendly and thinking differently about work
Chapter 2: Affording Full Time Travel
We dispel the myths about the high cost of travel. Addressing issues such as selling your home or renting it out, and reducing living expenses overall.
Chapter 3: Purge your Stuff, Shed the Anchors
Stuff is an anchor, what are the things that you truly need? We offer tips on letting go of attachments to things, and advice on how to tackle the overwhelming purging process.
Chapter 4: Family Aspects of a Nomadic Lifestyle
Travel can be a great education for kids, and can actually keep you more connected to extended family. How to deal with unsupportive family when you announce your decision.
Chapter 5: Greener Environmental Nomadism
You can travel and still lower your ecological footprint on the world. We share tips on slowing down your pace to reduce your impact. Even RVing can be green!
Chapter 6: Pets Can Be Nomadic Travelers Too!
Some forms of travel are more pet friendly than others. We share ideas on how to responsibly take your furbabies along for the adventures, and alternatives if it’s not possible.
Chapter 7: Community Aspects of Nomadic Travel
Community as a nomad has its challenges, but it also opens up new opportunities. We offer tips on how to stay connected and meet like-minded people as you travel.
Chapter 8: Nomadic Romance, Sex & Relationships
We explore everything from solo travel, dating & sex while traveling, coupled travel and dealing with a partner who doesn’t share your wanderlust.
Chapter 9: Domicile State, Getting Mail & Voting
We share practical advice on how to pick & establish a state of domicile/residency, handle getting your mail and voting — the mundane (but important!) logistics.
Chapter 10: Money – Banking, Finances & Taxes
We share tips on what to look for when selecting a bank, using credit cards to your advantage, if you should pay off your debts first, how much savings you need to travel.
Chapter 11: Tackling the Overwhelm of Preparing
Preparing to hit the road can be an overwhelming process of bringing a lot of logistics together. Where to you start? We share our tips and guidance – including that all critical first step – setting the date.
Chapter 12: Healthcare and Staying Healthy
We share our tips for navigating the healthcare system as a nomad – from selecting insurance, finding providers as your roam, telehealth options, handling chronic illnesses and keeping focus on health.
Chapter 13: Lack of Continuity
Living on the road equates to finding new service providers, grocery stores and basic amenities at every new location. For some, this is part of the adventure — and for others, it may be too much to be sustainable.
Chapter 14: Feeling Safe while Traveling Full Time
A mobile lifestyle doesn’t really have more risks, just different risks. Redefining safety and trusting in yourself can go a long way to feeling like you can handle whatever life tosses at you.
Chapter 15: Keeping Connected – Mobile Internet Overview
Keeping connected on the road is vital to many RVers. This is overview of the options out there (hosted on our RVMobileInternet.com site).
What happened to the eBook version of this series?

We used to offer an eBook version of this content on a ‘Pay as you Wish’ basis. That book got so out of date and we have no time to keep it updated – so we took it down.
We do our best to upkeep the segments in this blog series, but realistically can’t see republishing the book edition.
In November 2018, RV Love released their brand new (professionally published) book – Living the RV Life. It goes over a lot of similar content to this series (and more) on RVing. We highly recommend picking up a copy!
You’re of course welcome to browse the No Excuses: Go Nomadic series online for more of our tips & tricks on the logistics of nomadic travel.
If you do appreciate this series or the content on our blog, we always LOVE hearing your appreciation – leave a comment, leave a tip (link at bottom of every page) and/or share this post. Thank you!
how can i be a nomad and earn money
Hi Julie.. and welcome. The first chapter of this series above is dedicated to this topic. Lots of information and ideas there.
If you’d like individualized guidance, we do now offer ‘Pick Our Brains’ sessions where we’d be happy to spend some focused time helping you walk through the options unique to you – more information can be found at http://www.twostepsbeyond.com/services .
great, but on no excuses page it states “It’s available to read online for free below” and i didnt find a way to download this
by going to bottom of this page. I use web at work for lack
of affordable service at home. I work parttime and take care of
my elderly mom so if I could download this to a stick and take
home that woulb be great.
maybe you could send me link via email. Any idea how much
stick storage sapce i need available?
Yes, the series is available to read online for free, as blog posts. If you’d like it as a convenient eBook format to take with you to read offline, we provide it as a PDF on a ‘pay as you wish basis’.
If you can’t afford to kick us a few ‘thank you’ bucks and the blog version isn’t convenient enough – we do understand, there is a discount code listed at the bottom of the page that will set the price to free at checkout. (It’s intended for prior purchasers to get an updated copy, but we don’t monitor it.)
Awesome thank you, thank you, thank you. My wife and I feel like this is the way for us and this e-book is perfect. Loads of information which I am still going through. I am blogging about out preparation for life on the road and I am referring to this site all the time, lots of linking back to come I hope many others come by for a read.
Any suggestions for online groups that we can join so we can build a social network, we are in Canada.
Again thank you, I haven’t been this excited since jumping on a plane to meet my wife for the first time 🙂
I will Be out there after a bit of preparation.putting the finishing things on a Tadpole trike.Maybe I will find
others to travel with me.Right now,I am educating me how folks make a living,minus all the ideas of living on nothing.Knowledge will be my power to guide my journey.
I just viewed your website. I would like to purchase your e-book but noticed you’re doing a MASSIVE RE-WRITE. Should I wait until that is done or are you going to give people who bought the current e-book all the updated material?
Thank you, Penny
Penny – thank you for the interest in our eBook. There is a coupon code listed right up there (‘IBoughtBefore’) so that those who have purchased before can get an updated copy anytime they wish with our compliments. No need to wait.
Been lurking for over 1.5 years now.
Love your work.
Missed you at Burning Man in 2011.
I only found out about you after I got back damn.
51 year old married, San Diegan, Stick and bricks For now, but who knows what the future will bring.
I predict it will have wheels.
Just secured my tickets to 2013 burning man
Thanks for de-lurking, David! You might want to connect with the Camp Nomadia folks this year .. http://www.facebook.com/groups/campnomadia . We probably won’t be making it out to the playa this year ourselves.
Hey! Just Stumble Upon your blog.
Love it. Brillant.