Looking forward, this is what our tentative route for the next few weeks looks like:

We are currently planning to spend one more night here at the Grand Canyon. Then, onward towards New Mexico, Texas, and beyond…
- Friday (4/17) – Towards New Mexico. Stop at Canyon de Chelly National Monument?
- Saturday & Sunday (4/18-19) – Albuquerque, NM
- Monday & Tuesday (4/20-21) – Santa Fe, NM
- Wednesday (4/22) – Roswell, NM (UFO’s!)
- Thursday (4/23) – Carlsbad Caverns, NM
- Friday & Saturday (4/24-25) – Into & Across Texas
- Sunday – Sunday (4/26-5/3) – New Braunfels, TX. Cherie’s Parents & Sub Vets Reunion
- Towards St. Louis… (5/4 – 5/7) – Arriving in St. Louis in time for mother’s day!
All of our plans are always subject to Nomadic Standard Time adjustments, of course. Things may slip or extend, and routes may change based upon cool tips and intriguing invitations. If you have any recommendations of things to do or people to see, let us know!
You can see our forward-looking travel calendar posted here.
Hi Chris and Cherie,
Depending on when yall arrive in the San Antonio/New Braunfels area, hopefully I can meet up with yall for a while. We got one of those (DO NOT EVEN ASK FOR TIME OFF AT THE END OF SCHOOL NOTES)so the weekends might be the only time that will work out for me to have the pleasure of meeting more Oliver owners depending on your schedule.
My cell number is 512 / 426 – 6904. Jennifer If you have the oppportunity, Gruene, Texas is a fun place to visit – small, lots of shops, right by the river to get your feet wet and the rest of you if you want. It is west of I35 about 5?? miles. If you like country music George Strait played at Gruene Hall while he was a student at Southwest Texas State College unfortunately now called Texas State. You can tell I am rather partial to the name Southwest Texas State College!
Anyway, hope it works out that I get to meet yall.