Using a combination of the WordPress widget QuickFlickr, a Flickr account and a free iPhone app called ‘Flickr Sendr’ – we have added a new feature to our blog – our current office view!
So now we will update our office view regularly (which may be where we’re currently parked, visiting or shots from the road) to tease and taunt you about what a great time we’re having. Look over there to your right and down a bit —-> to see it.
For those of you on RSS or E-mail updates, click directly to our blog page at to see this new feature! Come visit often to get your daily dose of temptation to hit the road.
Hey, I was there just last week. Don’t forget to go see the Royal Gorge, if haven’t been there. Gorgeous place just outside Pueblo CO.
.-= Rasheed Hooda´s last blog ..Procrastination… =-.
We drove up to the Royal Gorge, but quickly headed back the other way when we saw the crowds and the cost. $25 per person just to check it out?!?! That strikes me as highway robbery. That is more than it costs to get an entire carload of people into most National Parks!