Now that Burning Man is back in storage in Sacramento, we start to look forward. Thus far, we have only planned through the next couple of weeks.
- now – this weekend: At some point, we’ll meander to San Francisco for a quarterly All Night Dance Celebration with our Rhythm Society Community
- Sept 21 -30: We’l be in Southern California visiting friends in Hemet, CA
- Oct 1 – 3: We’ll be in Las Vegas attending PhotoShop World
After Las Vegas, our plans are open ended with nothing on the horizon except for Burning Man next August. And it actually feels good to not have firm commitments anywhere and allowing things to manifest. We are always open for suggestions, invitations or leads on interesting events to check out.
great looking trip!
.-= Nomadic Matt´s last blog ..The Downside to Long Term Travel =-.
thanks for the wonderful Oliver trailer info….I now know what kind of trailer to get…if you are ever near Taos, New Mexico…give me a shout…I’d love to meet you and see Orion…
you also might be interested in seeing our earthship…off grid living…
safe journey…
It would be great to meet and swap home tours. I love off-grid earthships. If we are ever passing near Taos, we’ll look you up!