For those of you unable to attend the Days of the Nu 2 this week, first of all.. our deepest sympathy.
You are missing one heck of a gathering of full time location independent travelers on wheels. We are expecting a dozen rigs and a few tents to join us here in Gonzales, TX. Many of us have been here for a week or more.

We’ve been dubbed ‘Geeks and Granola’ due to our varying ranges of lifestyles and professions. Age wise, we seem to be ranging from mid-twenties to mid-forties. We have folks who are just starting out with full time living on the road, and those that have been doing it for years. Some are raising families on the road, some are childfree by choice and some have raised their kids. All of us are doing some form of work on the road to earn an income to fuel our individual adventures. It’s really quite a collection of digital nomads on wheels, and we’re so very excited to be part of it!
Even if you’re not here now, you can join in the fun virtually!
- Come join us! – We have a cancellation – so there is one spot left. If you happen to be within driving distance of Gonzales, TX (about an hour outside of San Antonio) shoot Kev an e-mail, and come join us! Heck, there are overflow options too.
- Follow along on Twitter – #NURV – Next, you can follow along virtually. We are utilizing Twitter ‘conference style’. From your favorite Twitter client, set a search for #NURV to read all the posts from the gathering. Feel free to post using #NURV to interact with the conversation – we’d love to hear from you! Or you can follow along from this link. Many of us will be uploading pics throughout the event.
- Days of Nu 2 – The Documentary. I will be filming clips from the event, and conducting interviews with attendees to come up with a YouTube documentary of sorts. So you won’t miss out on all the fun, or the chance to meet these amazing nomads!
- Join us at a future gathering! The next similar gathering will be at Gateway Burn near St. Louis from June 10-13. Gateway Burn is a regional Burning Man event that is striving to be nomad friendly – meaning they’ll be doing last minute ticket sales AND allowing nomadic pets to attend (they realize that for us nomads, ‘Leave the pets at home’ means bringing them, and that us nomads don’t tend to plan in advance!). Chris and I will be hosting our Camp Nomadia there, a small theme camp of nomads – and we invite you to come join us for a taste of Burning Man culture. Feel free to contact us if you’re not sure if this is your cup of tea or not.

All our best from Hill Shade RV Park.. we’re full of anticipation for the coming days as more of the tribe arrives! The gathering officially starts on Thursday (even though most of us are already here.)
I am one of the lucky ones!
I started reading your site while just dreaming of fulltime RVing. Found NuRVers from one of your postings, and now have my own RV and get to meet you at the rally!
Thanks for all of the inspiration and see you tomorrow!
So sad to miss this event. Will be following the website for updates and pics and hopefully we’ll get to join in the fun next year!!!
Wow! Have a great time!
Waving from Spain! I think you should plan one of these in Europe one of these days! 😉
.-= soultravelers3´s last blog ..Around The World Family Travel Soultravelers3 =-.
Wish we were a bit closer to Gonzalez right now as we would love to be there this week. We look forward to meeting all of you at some point in the future. Rock on!
.-= Andy and Lori´s last blog ..God’s creation described in one word…….WOW! =-.
This sounds like awesome. I would love to come (in my uhm… imaginary RV). 🙂
Look forward to reading about the adventures.
.-= Andy Hayes | Sharing Travel Experiences´s last blog ..The World is Big: Appreciate Where You Are =-.
What an incredible opportunity to meet so many of you (our idols) in one spot. However we are not able to make it though I wish we could since it is in Texas. We are putting our house up for lease and having a moving sale this week. Otherwise, we’d get in our car and come and meet you there.
Have a fantastic time! We know we are missing out…. 🙁
.-= GotPassport´s last blog ..If Audi made a would be the Nokia E72 =-.
If you guys get any chance at all.. come on down. Most of us should be around through next week as well. We’d love to meet you!