Whew. What a hectic few weeks it has been as we’ve traversed the western US in way too quick of a pace with very limited connectivity. But we have just landed in San Jose, CA to attend iOSDevCamp (an iPhone developer’s unconference) this weekend – and then we track back eastward towards Burning Man!
For many, Burning Man is a time to ramp up to – a big party, a big event, time to let loose. For us, we’re kinda the opposite. After being in constant physical and/or mental motion since we left Texas back in early June – Burning Man will be our first opportunity to be still and relax for more than a week at a time.
For us, going to Burning Man is not really all that different than any other day – except for of course, the sound of the thumpa-thumpa and being surrounded by a high concentration of amazing people. Oh, and the dust. There’s a few minor preps that we’ll handle in Sacramento and Reno next week, but for us it’s really not much more than picking up a few extra groceries and beer.
The stillness can’t come soon enough – we feel dreadfully behind on so many projects, such as this blog, our NuRVers video documentary and some iPhone app development. Post Burning Man, we’ll likely pick a spot on the west coast and put down the landing gear for a few weeks to get caught up before deciding where next.
Join us at Camp Nomadia – Location: Near 6:00 & F
This year again, we are hosting our Camp Nomadia – a theme camp for nomads. As of this morning, we have over 70 nomadic minded folks confirmed for the camp. Wow. I’m downright astonished at the amazing group of people converging from all over the world!

We’re doing this year much less organized than years past, namely that we’re intentionally unplaced. Chris and I have early entry for a Center Cafe art project we were selected for, so we’ll be able to scout out land prior to gate open and have it secured for our camp. The big benefit to this is that we’ll be able to continue accepting new nomadic campmates up until the last minute – so if you’re looking for a camp to join, you’re a past/future/current nomad and self sufficient – there’s still time to join us!
Our camp is aiming to be somewhere near the intersection of 6:00 & F (general location of our Annex last year). We’ll update the exact location when we know it.
We’ll be hosting a variety of nomadic events throughout the week that we’d love to have you join us for:
We’re currently planning 3 ‘Nomadic Happy Hours’ – Tuesday & Thursday from 4-6pm and Sunday from 3-5pm.
And we’ll also be repeating our Technomadic Lifestyle workshop on Thursday just prior to the happy hour at 3pm.
If you’re playa bound too.. come stop by and say hi at Camp Nomadia!
next year…next year….
Will see you there! It’s going to be the maiden voyage (aside from bringing it from MT to OR) for my ’85 Casita Patriot Deluxe 13-footer. We’re land-grabbing, so don’t have our address yet…so we’ll come find ya.