It’s hard to believe that yesterday we marked being in St. John for 4 weeks now. We’ve definitely settled into island life here. We also were shocked to discover last Friday that in 4 weeks, we had only had 3 beach days. That is just.. wrong!
For the past week or so, we’ve been pulling non-stop 13-15 hr days each. In that time we have:
- Released an update to our iPhone App State Lines (it tracks state laws and regulations that affect travelers in the US – such as cell phone, texting, seat belts, helmets, left turns, speed limits, towing, smoking bans and alcohol).
- We wrote and launched our first eBook – Answers to the Common Excuses (addressing 15 of the most common reasons folks say they can’t embrace the life of full-time travel they dream of).
- And we’ve been deep in development on our next iPhone App Coverage? (which overlays each major cell phone carriers coverage maps so us bandwidth junkies know where we can most likely get our next hit.)
That, on top of our normal client workload. Anyone who says us digital nomads have a life of complete leisure is seriously deluded. We just choose our office hours and views. 🙂
Actually, we’re really enjoying having the time to dive deep on projects that have been stacking up for us over the past months. We’re doing exactly what we want to be doing. We tend to enjoy working in mega-focused bursts. And when you’re working on things you’re passionate about – it just doesn’t seem like ‘work’.
Speaking of office views, here’s some more snapshots from around the island. We did break free this weekend and hit the beach and hiked some trails. We even managed a nomadic rendezvous with the awesome, but blogless, Trevor, who is currently over on St. Thomas.
The Leinster Bay Trail which takes you out to Waterlemon Bay and Waterlemon Cay.
Waterlemon Cay (that’s Waterlemon not Watermelon, btw) – which we swam out to and snorkeled around. *AMAZING* unspoiled reefs complete with a barracuda nursery.
Us at Cinnamon Bay on the north short of St. John.
Gorgeous, gorgeous beach!
Gorgeous photos. I’d love to roll around on all that clean white sand.
State Lines looks like a great product! Too bad I don’t own an iphone 🙁 nor will I as only Sprint gets bars at my house.
One of our upcoming projects is to release State Lines in an eBook format, so folks can bring it up on other devices besides Apple iProducts.
Perfect! I subscribe to your RSS, so I’ll be looking forward to it.