Hi everyone.. Kiki here.
You know all those bus projects my people keep talking about? Notice how few of them are for CATS?? They keep doing things like adding a new refrigerator, a dual desk, new floors and cabling conduits.
Oh come on…yawn… borning.. it’s all for people! Everything should be about the cat!
Last week we visited a nice family in Michigan, and my people already told you about their fancy smancy new shoe rack. Sure, it keeps their nasty smelly shoes off the floor and gives me more places to nap. But it’s really their thing.
We’ve had an even bigger problem in the bus. They tell everyone how fabulous their litterbox room is, because it has these nifty doors that both open to create either a small side bathroom, or open to create a larger dressing room. I swear if my people would just wear a harness like me all the time, they wouldn’t need a dressing room.
But anyway, when those doors are open, they also work as doors between the bedroom and living area. Which is kinda cool, I can go snuggle with Cherie when she curls up earlier in the evening while Chris is still up doing his thing. So much better than the Oliver where we had to listen to him clickity-clack all night on his keyboard.
But these doors present a problem. Do you see it??
Let me give you a hint. My robotic feeder is up front.
You still don’t see the problem?? Oh come on people, do I have to spell it out for you?
If I’m in bed and the door is closed – how am I supposed to go check it? I have to keep an eye on it, afterall – it could run out of power and forget to feed me. Or it might forget we switched time zones and feed me late or early. Or it might decide to feed me extra food.
These are pressing things for a cat and can sometimes keep me up all night with worry. So I have to resort to standing at the door and yelling at my people to open the door for me so I can go check. They don’t seem to like it.. but what else to they have to do, really?
So when we pulled in to visit Phil (aka One Square Eye.. I don’t understand, he seemed to have two perfectly good eyes to me) and offered to work on the bus, he very wisely selected a project that is JUST FOR CATS!
Look at this.. he’s putting holes in our bus!
Perfect wonderful holes.. JUST FOR CATS! I like Phil. Can we visit him again soon, please?? I’m sure he can tackle the rest of my list of demands.
Lol! Gotta love Kiki. The Cat Who…I love those books. Kiki should take up where Ms. Brown left off.
What do you think about cat door for outside? Is that a crazy idea?
Oh gosh.. we wouldn’t consider it. Kiki only goes outside supervised with a leash on – too dangerous otherwise.
It’s about time your humans got around to dedicated cat needs. Really quite unbelievable that they have wasted all this time with boring bus conversions when they could have spent valuable months creating the ultimate cat-busmobile. Their effort as humans is decent, however and is to be commended with a purr. As fellow feline monarchs we are looking forward to more of these…meow!
Taggart & Rand
Shouldn’t the title be “The cat who walks through closed doors”?
Well.. sure, if you want to get all technical. Would think as a sci-fi buff you might appreciate the title however. 😀 Besides, to a cat – a closed door is just as limiting as a wall.
So I am picturing your hoomans “just wearing a harness” and I have to say that I’ve been to a party like that, and it was pretty cool. So I’m with you on this one, Kiki.
*giggle* You know Kiki wrote that specifically with you in mind 😀
Love this. Of course Kiki needs constant access to kibble. What a great fix!
Nice flare with the little curve on the top. Purrrrfect.
Yes… Phil did a fantastic job of matching the existing style of the doors. The curve is built into the top of every cabinet door in the bus, so the new cat holes look like they were always there.
Just be sure you keep that kitten-ish figure. Wouldn’t want to get stuck in that great door!
That’s a great solution for Kiki! We have the same problem in the house but can’t work up the guts to put holes in the bedroom door. 🙂
Definitely understand that, JoAnna! We didn’t push as hard as we could to have it done sooner probably for similar reasons. But the job that Phil did on them makes it look like it was designed that way from the beginning.