There are said to be three base driving forces in humans — food, reproduction and fear. Advertise with any of these three, and you speak to something so primal in humans, that they have viral power. Keeping safe is motivated by fear — it’s what kept our ancestors living long enough to pass their genes on to us.
Caution! Danger! The signs are all around us.
There seems to be a fear that at every corner out there’ — there’s a villain waiting to mug you, a calamity waiting to strike, a powerful tornado, a money sucking incident, a sink hole to devour you, a rabid bear stalking you, a health issue or some other such traditionally bad thing.
How do you keep safe while traveling?’ is a very common question we find ourselves addressing. And unfortunately, my response isn’t a convenient shopping list of stuff you can go order online, or a reassurance that things are necessarily safer ‘out here’ than in your current living room.
To really handle this topic, it’s going to take some deep inner work to rethink how you respond to fear and define safety.
Redefine Safety
One of my all time favorite warning labels is: Caution: Living is dangerous to your health
Risk and danger is all around us. No matter how hard you try, you can’t avoid it entirely. Eat right, avoid high risk behaviors, exercise regularly — and you can still be killed by a falling tree on your morning jog (true story). Unless you keep yourself in an isolated bubble, you’re going to encounter risks — or go insane and die of boredom.
A more traditional definition of safety is:
Credit: Apple Dictionary
I’d like to propose that this definition of safety is not actually a condition that is realistically achievable.
The closest one can come is having a feeling of being in a state of significantly reduced risks. And our society seems obsessed with feeling safe. We install alarm systems to keep bad people out, we carry weapons to defend ourselves, we keep installing gizmos to increase safety and we generally live in a state of fear of something bad happening. We humans are evolved to be on alert and seek safety.
And you know what? Living in a state of fear is exhausting, stressful and at the very least shortens our quality of life — if not quantity of life.
That’s not to say bad stuff doesn’t happen.
Our Jeep ‘stuck’ – scary at first, but we figured it out.
It does. And Chris and I have faced our share of bad stuff over the past few years… and I’m sure you have too. Over the several years of being on the road full time we’ve had a jack-knifed spin out on an interstate, our lives threatened in the middle of nowhere, our bikes clipped and stolen right off our tow vehicle, a wire shorting out that nearly caused an electrical fire, our cat being bit by a rattlesnake, vehicle troubles, extreme weather conditions, minor medical emergencies and catastrophic bandwidth shortages.
But I don’t feel either of us lives in a state of fear of this stuff (well, maybe the lack of bandwidth thing). I feel incredibly safe in our lifestyle — both before, during and after each of these incidents.
Because long ago I adjusted my definition of safety to be:
My proposed redefinition:
Instead of expecting that bad things won’t happen – safety is trusting that I have the agility, capacity and courage to deal with the bad stuff when it happens.
Notice I didn’t say if it happens. While I don’t necessarily like the bad stuff happening, I acknowledge there’s only so much I can do to prevent them. No matter how many safety gizmos are installed, one can never account for everything that might happen. I focus on that feeling I’ve felt many times before — of getting past the bad stuff and having grown stronger, wiser and more capable as a result.
And in the end, I’d much rather have lived my dreams.. than dreaming about the life I want if only I wasn’t afraid. (Not to say its easy all of the time, mind you.)
Choose your battles wisely
Adopting this new definition of safety however doesn’t mean completely throwing caution into the wind. If you buy into this, you’ll be taking informed risks, educating yourself, choosing what are real fears, taking reasonable precautions, knowing what you’re able to handle and knowing your own risk tolerances.
Chris flying his paramotor.
And act now and you’ll also be willing to challenge all of this from time to time too!
Chris and I have both collectively embarked on some activities that are regarded as risky by others – including fire dancing, SCUBA diving, paramotoring and sky diving. But it’s not like we do any of these things without first receiving proper training and building up our confidence and skillsets. We always assess our environment, our own current health status, our ability to cushion a metaphorical or literal fall and our confidence levels. We choose wisely when we feel we’re most capable to tackle these adventures and their given risks.
You must also recognize that your own personal risk tolerances can change on a regular basis due to a variety of reasons. Be willing to not let your itch for adventure be thwarted by that default evolutionary implanted lizard brain response to fear.
Some Safety Thoughts for RVers
A common concern for RVers is the lack of security options for protecting their RV and its belongings from theft & invaders.
After all, it wouldn’t take much for someone to break in, hot wire your home and drive off with everything you own.
If you’re camped in the middle of nowhere, it’s kinda scary that no one is around to hear you scream for help.
Constantly being in new locations and not having time to really get a feel for your new neighborhood can leave you feeling vulnerable.
Driving a big vehicle can be intimidating!
Yes, there are reasonable precautions you can take to thwart the common casual burglar. Keeping doors, windows and bays locked are simple actions – as is not looking like a worthwhile target by avoiding displaying flashy expensive items. And you can go techno-crazy with surveillance, motion sensors, tracking systems and security systems. The sound of a loud barking dog can both scare away a would-be intruder and alert you to possible trouble.
And then there’s the question of to carry a weapon or not. We feel that’s a very personal choice and ask on any RVing forum, and you’ll stir up a hornet’s nest of opinions. If you currently carry personal protection then you’ll probably want it on the road too. Be sure to study up on crossing state (and country) lines with a weapon, as the laws from state to state vary widely. If you don’t currently carry, dig deep to consider what is the right solution for you. Everything from spray mace, a large thumpy object, tasers or a gun might be ideas to explore.
Just always keep in mind, with power comes responsibility. Make sure you are confident, trained and ready to pull the trigger – even while under unusual duress. And always remember, RV walls are awfully thin and don’t stop bullets. A weapon can completely change the outcome of a situation (and not always for the better).
The most powerful thing you have is your instincts and awareness of your surroundings. If something doesn’t seem ‘right’, your house now has wheels. Drive on!
If you’re going out into the boonies and off the radar for a bit, check in with a trusted friend or family member to make sure they know your intentions for timing and location. You’ll ease their minds and create a back-up plan if you go unheard from.
Also keep a healthy (un)attachment to your possessions, and realize that most things can be replaced. Make sure your insurance policy is paid up and adequately covers your stuff. For us, we focus our security on the really important things that would be impossible to replace – ourselves, our cat and our valuable data on our computers. A small fire safe can also help protect important documents.
Aside from ill-intentioned people taking advantage of you, there’s also natural disasters to be aware of. When you travel, you might not be aware to be on the look out for local weather events like flash floods, tornados, gusts of winds, etc. Investing in a good weather radio, checking local forecasts and weather apps for your smartphone/tablet are all excellent ways to increase your awareness.
And if you’re going to be camping out ‘in nature’ be prepared for encountering the local wildlife, who may not always be thrilled with your presence.
Be smart about the risks you take on, challenge yourself to grow, take reasonable precautions.. and have fun out there!
Your choice: Be a moving target or still target
There seems to be an erroneous sense of safety being associated with staying put in one location — as if being a stationary target of routine is any less safe than being a moving one. It actually cracks me up when folks questioning the safety of our mobile lifestyle try to take a high road that their life is significantly less full of risk.
Love this sign from Yellowstone National Park. Yup, getting steamed like a hot dog in a hot vent would suck. (Look at the little sister laughing on the side line!)
Above I gave you a list of scary incidents that have happened to Chris and I since we hit the road together. What I didn’t include was a list of bad things that happened in any other snapshot in my life. Just in the 3 years prior to hitting the road, my list would include: a scary medical diagnosis, tire blow out, neighbor’s house catching on fire, multiple direct hurricane strikes, house flood from a faulty ice maker, identity theft, minor medical emergencies, a car accident and more.
How many bad things have happened in the past 3 years of your life and do you really reasonably expect that number to increase significantly if you were on the road?
Remember — bad stuff happens. Period. Whether you’re living in one spot, or constantly moving.
The list of risks unique to mobility is actually rather small.
Being mobile actually gives you some distinct advantages, such as being more alert to your surroundings because they’re always different and the ability to easily move on if things don’t seem right.
If crime rates in your fixed location neighborhood increase, how difficult would it be to sell your home and move to a safer location? If you’re mobile, you just put the key in the ignition and drive away. You don’t have to go through escrow.
If you have advanced warning of a bad weather system moving in – such as flooding or a hurricane – you can make some preparations to perhaps protect your fixed home. If your home has wheels, you can bug out and get to safer ground.
Good Stuff Happens Too
Yes.. bad stuff happens. It can make for a sucktacular day, indeed. We certainly don’t hope for them to happen, but we’re prepared to face up to them when they do.
Now that’s good stuff!
A wonderful thing happens when you’re not wrapped up in protecting this false notion that you have complete control over preventing bad things from happening – you’re more free to experience all the good things that can… no, will.. happen.
For everything that has happened that could be classified as bad — I can rattle off hundreds of good things that have happened.
Glorious amounts of serendipity, kind and generous strangers, amazing experiences, amazing meals, hikes, kayaking adventures, opportunities to share my gifts, breathtaking office views, beautiful art, basking in the glow of the gifts of others, gigabytes of amazing photos, the purr of our cat and the shared love of so many absolutely amazing people we’ve encountered and connected with in our travels.
The world is a great big place full of awesome things to be discovered and people to meet. Don’t let a little fear hold you back.
What happened to the eBook version of this series?
Great for those gearing up to RV – RV Love’s new book that goes over EVERYTHING!
We used to offer an eBook version of this content on a ‘Pay as you Wish’ basis. That book got so out of date and we have no time to keep it updated – so we took it down.
We do our best to upkeep the segments in this blog series, but realistically can’t see republishing the book edition.
In November 2018, RV Love released their brand new (professionally published) book – Living the RV Life. It goes over a lot of similar content to this series (and more) on RVing. We highly recommend picking up a copy!
If you do appreciate this series or the content on our blog, we always LOVE hearing your appreciation – leave a comment, leave a tip (link at bottom of every page) and/or share this post. Thank you!
I saw some movie recently, where they spoke about in the beginning of time, man had to be out in nature: in the movie it showed a group out watching all the big scary animals on a survival trip in Africa. Living out there meant having to be aware, but it created better health, sense of being alive and joy. No 2 legged zombies in that life. The problem in the world today, is most of society is now in the 2 legged zombie category.
Hi, Cherie – I really appreciate all that you and Chris do and share with us. Love the small, hardly mentioned, items you talk about – like the shampooing, bathroom stuff, planning a reasonable wardrobe. Answers so many questions.
I have been reading through the ‘No Excuses’ book and have been inspired to set a date, instead of just dreaming. I find I am the most anxious late at night when I am tired. I don’t pay any attention to the late night trepidation, because I have found that in the morning and throughout the day, more positive thoughts fill my head. Keep it comin’ – all that detailed info. Thank you for all your efforts and I really enjoy your blog info and the photos.
Happy Trails.
Very good. Appreciate you two so much. I am looking forward to full timing post retirement. I think your article really encourages people to have a proper sense of proportion and think about risk assessment rationally . To be reasonable prudent. Honestly, I think that if people avoid alcohol or drug impairment in inappropriate situations, avoid obviously sketchy situations and associations, and trust that inner voice, then one is going to almost always meet lovely people and have wonderful experiences. Haha, just always have a plan B.
We’ve often worried about our dogs and rattle snakes, as they are the most commonly bit. What happened when Kiki was bit?? And have you heard anything about the effectiveness of the snake venom vaccine?
Love both your books and your blog. I am retiring in less than 3 months,selling my house, trading my SUV for an RV and as I told my 4 kids-It is mom’s turn to run away from home. I have found the No Excuses book to be one of the best out there on all kinds of relevant information-and in the middle of the night when I wake up with a what about that question I read through your book find the info and feel reassured.
Keep up the good work.
PS I have downloaded both books after purchase in my ibooks app. as a pdf.
Thank you for helping others like me who are just starting this venture! It’s been in my heart for quite awhile that this lifestyle is what I need to try- I just bought a fixer upper 15′ Tioga yesterday… will be in the shop for awhile and needs work inside after….but I am so relieved to read your common sense way of looking at life on the road- we can’t let fear get the BEST of us. Life is life, I choose to live in harmony on the road- soon!
love your blog as well as evreything else on your website. working on a purchase of a 1977 mci conversion coach you have got me going in that direction, im scared poopless about this life style change and purchase but your words have empowered me . wish me luck……….. cheers
Excellent post. I decided many years ago not to let my fears define me or my activities. Now, that doesn’t mean that I don’t get frightened but I try to face my fears and do what I need, or can, do to make it thru that moment or time. And, your right, a good weather radio and following NOAA radar helps me get safely thru those severe weather warnings whether it is in our sticks and bricks or in our 5th wheel.
Do you have any kind of insurance for your tech equipment? I’m about to sell my desktop and buy a laptop and hit the road, but then *gulp* all the what-ifs pop up. The house is sold and there’s no more homeowner’s insurance!
No fear – you can get “Full Timer’s Insurance” on your RV policy that is basically the equivalent of a homeowners or renters policy. This is what we have done.
Once the book is finished, we do plan to convert it to Kindle and Apple book formats and make them available. Few more chapters to go until it’s done 🙂 It’s a work in progress…
Great post . Love it and agree with it !!! I might post it on my facebook page since many of my friends know that I am planning to go nomadic again soon.
Yup! I recently left a RV community because so much of the discussion was fear-based. Sorry but that’s not how I look at life. And my approach has served me very well thus far.
Even with Karin’s background in law enforcement we feel no need to take extreme measures to ensure safety. In fact we just recently gifted a friend her one remaining firearm. Having it on board was more of a hassle to us than a sense of safety.
Life happens. And it’s not worth obsessing over. Happens to us all in one way or another. I’d like to think I have the grace to take it “like a man” when it’s my turn. 🙂
Thanks you so much for sharing, Brenda – such a fantastic perspective. For those not in the know, Brenda’s lovely partner in life is a retired law enforcement officer.
I have no doubt both of you will handle any obstacle you face in stride!
Awesome post and right on target. Combining common sense precautions and the instincts to go forward and LIVE your life truly gives the best outcome. Yup, #@%& happens!
Great post…I agree wholeheartedly with all your points! I did a similar post recently on keeping fears in check and safety manageable as a solo RVer. Sometimes my biggest fear is the thought of being surrounded by a campground full of overly-fearful RVers!
I saw some movie recently, where they spoke about in the beginning of time, man had to be out in nature: in the movie it showed a group out watching all the big scary animals on a survival trip in Africa. Living out there meant having to be aware, but it created better health, sense of being alive and joy. No 2 legged zombies in that life. The problem in the world today, is most of society is now in the 2 legged zombie category.
Hi, Cherie – I really appreciate all that you and Chris do and share with us. Love the small, hardly mentioned, items you talk about – like the shampooing, bathroom stuff, planning a reasonable wardrobe. Answers so many questions.
I have been reading through the ‘No Excuses’ book and have been inspired to set a date, instead of just dreaming. I find I am the most anxious late at night when I am tired. I don’t pay any attention to the late night trepidation, because I have found that in the morning and throughout the day, more positive thoughts fill my head. Keep it comin’ – all that detailed info. Thank you for all your efforts and I really enjoy your blog info and the photos.
Happy Trails.
Very good. Appreciate you two so much. I am looking forward to full timing post retirement. I think your article really encourages people to have a proper sense of proportion and think about risk assessment rationally . To be reasonable prudent. Honestly, I think that if people avoid alcohol or drug impairment in inappropriate situations, avoid obviously sketchy situations and associations, and trust that inner voice, then one is going to almost always meet lovely people and have wonderful experiences. Haha, just always have a plan B.
We’ve often worried about our dogs and rattle snakes, as they are the most commonly bit. What happened when Kiki was bit?? And have you heard anything about the effectiveness of the snake venom vaccine?
Here’s Kiki post on it:
Found out that my renters insurance on my storage unit covers my items in my vehicle. Hope this helps
Love both your books and your blog. I am retiring in less than 3 months,selling my house, trading my SUV for an RV and as I told my 4 kids-It is mom’s turn to run away from home. I have found the No Excuses book to be one of the best out there on all kinds of relevant information-and in the middle of the night when I wake up with a what about that question I read through your book find the info and feel reassured.
Keep up the good work.
PS I have downloaded both books after purchase in my ibooks app. as a pdf.
Thank you for helping others like me who are just starting this venture! It’s been in my heart for quite awhile that this lifestyle is what I need to try- I just bought a fixer upper 15′ Tioga yesterday… will be in the shop for awhile and needs work inside after….but I am so relieved to read your common sense way of looking at life on the road- we can’t let fear get the BEST of us. Life is life, I choose to live in harmony on the road- soon!
love your blog as well as evreything else on your website. working on a purchase of a 1977 mci conversion coach you have got me going in that direction, im scared poopless about this life style change and purchase but your words have empowered me . wish me luck……….. cheers
Excellent post. I decided many years ago not to let my fears define me or my activities. Now, that doesn’t mean that I don’t get frightened but I try to face my fears and do what I need, or can, do to make it thru that moment or time. And, your right, a good weather radio and following NOAA radar helps me get safely thru those severe weather warnings whether it is in our sticks and bricks or in our 5th wheel.
Do you have any kind of insurance for your tech equipment? I’m about to sell my desktop and buy a laptop and hit the road, but then *gulp* all the what-ifs pop up. The house is sold and there’s no more homeowner’s insurance!
No fear – you can get “Full Timer’s Insurance” on your RV policy that is basically the equivalent of a homeowners or renters policy. This is what we have done.
Great advice, thanks! Why don’t you put your book up on Kindle? It’s easy to do and you could reach a lot more people.
Once the book is finished, we do plan to convert it to Kindle and Apple book formats and make them available. Few more chapters to go until it’s done 🙂 It’s a work in progress…
Great post . Love it and agree with it !!! I might post it on my facebook page since many of my friends know that I am planning to go nomadic again soon.
Thanks Sue! And feel free to share the post with your friends and family.
Yup! I recently left a RV community because so much of the discussion was fear-based. Sorry but that’s not how I look at life. And my approach has served me very well thus far.
Even with Karin’s background in law enforcement we feel no need to take extreme measures to ensure safety. In fact we just recently gifted a friend her one remaining firearm. Having it on board was more of a hassle to us than a sense of safety.
Life happens. And it’s not worth obsessing over. Happens to us all in one way or another. I’d like to think I have the grace to take it “like a man” when it’s my turn. 🙂
Thanks you so much for sharing, Brenda – such a fantastic perspective. For those not in the know, Brenda’s lovely partner in life is a retired law enforcement officer.
I have no doubt both of you will handle any obstacle you face in stride!
Awesome post and right on target. Combining common sense precautions and the instincts to go forward and LIVE your life truly gives the best outcome. Yup, #@%& happens!
Indeed it does! Thankfully, good stuff happens more often 🙂
Great post…I agree wholeheartedly with all your points! I did a similar post recently on keeping fears in check and safety manageable as a solo RVer. Sometimes my biggest fear is the thought of being surrounded by a campground full of overly-fearful RVers!
I loved your post on that, Lynne! And so agree, especially when we are in tight quarters.
For anyone else reading this – here’s Lynne’s fantastic post on safety as a solo female RVers: