We’ve been receiving a lot of ‘Hate’ lately. It’s just too much.
For everyone who has ever hated on our gs and ms, or Chris’ hat, or the angle of our lampshade, or other grammer, or the volume of our audio, or the misspellings, or the oh gasp.. she talks more than him.. or the the ‘you’re not worthy’ comments.. or the ‘ you’ve got a premium membership service.. you are shady’ comments… or ‘you’re not presenting my state fully’.. or.. whatever your complaint is with us…
You win. Good bye. For now.
Maybe we’ll back. Maybe we won’t.
But we’ve grown tired of sharing peeks of our personal lives with the public just be met with occasional thanks (while seeing other bloggers met with an outpouring of support), but a lot of criticism and ‘corrections’.
We need time for ourselves. As individuals. As a couple.
Morning Update:
I’m leaving the above intact and unedited. While it was influenced by too much wine last night, the end effects stand true this morning. And it’s raw, and authentic.
We need to take a break and re-focus on ourselves.
We know there are way more of you who love and appreciate us than criticize. And we know that it is our own internal happiness & balance that does not allow us to see that as clearly right now. Yes, ‘haters are going to hate’ – but right now, we just don’t have the strength to keep a smile on our faces.
We appreciate your understanding in that. Thank you for having traveled along thus far. I do suspect we’ll be back in some form.
11/5 @ 6pm : Holy Guacamole… we are completely humbled by the comments, emails and reach outs this post has generated. We never expected it, and didn’t post to solicit accolades. But do know we are reading each and every one of them, and you are melting our hearts. We are taking some time to take care of ourselves. And we really appreciate your support in that (not that we need anyone’s approval).
Yes, we do delete & ban the negativity, and hardly ever respond to it. That’s why you don’t see it. It comes in from so many directions.. and to get to that delete button, we have already read the comment. On good days, it passes right by. But it does add up over time.
PS. We are continuing to post mobile internet news and assist our members over at RVMobileInternet.Com. Our premium membership group, Mobile Internet Aficionados, remains unchanged and we are actively assisting our members there.
RVMobileInternet will be our only non-personal focus for the time being while we are on social media hiatus. We have stepped back from all other obligations so that we can take care of ourselves.
Hi Chris and Cherie. Long time listener first time caller ïŠ. Another one of your lurkers coming out in support. Very sorry to hear about the negativity you have had to endure. The Maxim: If you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all really has been obliterated by internet trolls.
My girlfriend and I found your youtube channel while we were travelling Europe in an RV. We found yours and channels like your friends the Wynns very inspirational. Although RVing was initially my idea my girlfriend got fully hooked and wants to go full-time. Currently though we are sticks and bricks in our hometown Christchurch, New Zealand doing regular jobs to fund our next adventure which will almost certainly be USA and Canada.
We did our own blog for our trip, you know for friends and family, it was our first and only blog experience and the effort that took puts me in awe of quality and quantity of content you have produced over the years. http://dalenickyoe.blogspot.co.nz/
I’m not at all surprised you feel like you want a hiatus, you have a lot on. Congrats that you have the bus looking great, I watched all the videos. Please come back in the future for your adoring fans. Perhaps going forward you could plan to take substantial social media breaks, not necessarily schedule them but plan/know you can take a break whenever. As you have mentioned this is not your business it is your hobby you should be doing it when you enjoy it. You are not beholden to your fans it is our duty to ensure you enjoy it.
All the best, Dale
when I started with Internet antecedants in 1980, the sheer amount of “flame war” on various email lists and uncontrolled groups was both dismaying and a real eye-opener. When I see folks like youall suffering from the current equivalent, I feel that I have been attacked and harmed also. Thank goodness I am one of your MIA supporters.
Best wishes,
I’m sorry there are so many people out there that simply can’t say anything positive. Who knows why they become trolls but trolls they are. I’m new to your website since I’m planning to be a full time RV’er in two years (if not before). Carry on, ignore the trolls, delete the offending posts (if you can …not sure about that) I’m sending grateful thoughts your way!
This hits so close to home. As fellow bloggers in the RV world, we take those punches too. It hurts, a lot. We work so hard, and when you see…”wow, they’re so annoying…” (said about us, not you!), well stuff like that makes you wonder if it’s worth it. Just wanted to let you know we understand. Hang in there! We will (maybe), too. 🙂
I just found you and sad to see you have to move on due to all the “Nasties”. They can tear a hole in a person’s soul for sure. I just want you to know how wonderful all the videos and posts have been and are. It’s a lot of work and I thank you for it! You deserve a break and a really wonderful time. I can’t help but think that some are just too envious of the life you have, that you have worked hard for and are striking out at you from that place. No excuse for that rotten behavior. Those kind are to be avoided for the damage they do. Have to say you have done so much and offered so much help to many. Thanx. Enjoy your break!
I rarely comment on anything I see on the internet because I’m naturally a critical fault-finder. It’s true that you see is what you get, and in the case of Technomadia, we the internet have been given SO, so much. Thank you for the gift of your time, your effort, your skills–all the amazing content that’s invaluable to dreamers like me. Could you do things differently? Sure. But what you HAVE done is nothing short of awesome. Maybe I’ll see you on the road someday! Yours Sincerely, A Lurker-No-More
Hi Chris and Cherie
We were so sad and disgusted to read that you’d had so much negativity directed toward you and your blog that you reached the decision to “go dark”. I have no new or unique words to add regarding these nasty folks who have driven you to this decision, the comments already posted pretty much cover it. I hope the support you’ve received from your loving fans will go a long way to help you heal and know that the majority of us appreciate your imperfections as a reflection of our own, and love that you let them show. Holy smoke, if you were stuck up perfectionist snobs, who never made any mistakes, how could the rest of us mere mortals relate to you??! That said, I know that it is very hard to ignore mean and hateful words, even as adults who can rationalize that they are coming from people who are probably hurting and broken in their own way.
Like so many of the people who have commented here, Peter and I have learned so very much from your blogs, and I apologize for having done so quietly, without posting our thanks and appreciation for your generous sharing of knowledge, and your learning curves, especially regarding the Lithium batteries. We have just purchased Lithium batteries from Elite, and are so grateful that you had shared your experience. We will be living the dream full time as soon as we sell up the house and contents here in Phoenix, hopefully early 2016, and what we have learned from you has helped us plan this new adventure.
We are deeply grateful, and really hope to “see” you back on the air again soon, refreshed and revitalized. Take your time, love each other and yourselves, and know that we all love you too.
Thanks again for all your generous sharing in the past.
Sally and Peter
Chris and Cherie, Thank you so much for all that you have given from your hearts. I first found you about 12 – 18 months ago and am so amazed at all the knowledge that you have shared. You really inspired me to get serious about being on the road. This summer, I bought a 30 foot toy hauler to pull behind our truck. I absolutely love watching you! It is so refreshing to watch normal people who want to share their knowledge and experience with others. I have nothing but praise for everything you two do! It is sad that there are so many mean and unhappy people out there who want to spend their time being hateful instead of making their own lives good and happy. Please don’t let them get to you! I wish you all the best 🙂
You deserve a little down time. But know that there are many of us who don’t comment or engage normally. But we read and we appreciate that you are willing to share. Your blog helped me decide to get a bus instead of a commercial RV.
So thank you. So much.
Chris and Cherie,
I hope your hiatus will restore your spirit. Your presentations are wonderful and you two are so great together. Your kindness and love shines through and is an inspiration for anyone.
Kind regards
Chris and Cherie,
I just wanted to let you know that by watching your videos and researching an extreme amount of information that you both have provided (for free!) on your website; that I have made the decision to get off of the couch and finally act and make the move to be free and start my new life. I am in the process of selling off my possessions and my house, I already have the travel trailer on order and will be on the road by this spring.
I usually don’t comment on any website as I’m not into social media; but I did want to say thank you for giving me the push that I needed to finally commit to what I’ve been wanting to do for quite some time. You should be proud of yourselves as I’m sure you inspire many people through your website that you don’t even realize. Because of you two, I have new hope and excitement in what my future might be. I’m totally psyched to start my adventure where ever it may take me.
Maybe I’ll get the opportunity to cross paths with you in the future.
My best regards,
PS: You are good people, keep up the great work. Vino coming your way.
Because of you I’m out just over a year. LOVE it
Sorry I didn’t see you in Albuquerque, could have told uou how important you where to us there.
You’ll be missed
Chris and Cherie you have inspired us to sell the house and get on the road. Your mobile internet book is our bible and we belong to MIA. Take care of yourselves. Just know people who hate, hate themselves and their lives most. It spills onto the rest of us. When we all truly loved ourselves,our families, our communities, our world…we take care of each other with kindness and compassion.
This is really sad but I respect your decision. Why all the hate out there? If you don’t like it don’t read!
You guys are amazing and deserve a break and your right to privacy. Forget the haters enjoy your life together.
Too bad the few ruin it for the many. I enjoy the chemistry you two have. Keep the hat on (because you look great in it), chins up and follow your hearts. My husband and I will start the RV lifestyle in January and we hope to be able to skim your site for tips on technology that we have no idea about. Take care of each other.
I see this on many sites, all seem to handle it in their own ways. Seems some people think they know it all, and wish to condem those who’s opinion differs from theirs. They refuse to learn, and are only happy when they can harass sites into shutting down. We saw the same with the Nomatic Fanatic, and others of the same ilk. I hope you heal quickly and return to we who have grown to love seeing your posts, we who’s pulse quicken when we receive that email saying you have a new post. Take a nice vacation, kick back and enjoy a box of wine (kidding of course) and some wonderful food. I too love the interaction between the two of you, it makes your videos. I have been attacked by the grammar Nazis myself, and the spelling Nazis as well, and that just from posting.
See you on the other side…
Cherie and Chris,
I fully understand why you need to do this.
I just wanted you to know that as I sit here in FL as a full-time RV’er working as a programmer, your blog was the one that showed me that this life is possible. I was looking at tiny houses when I read about what you two were doing on the road. It took a few years, but here I am. And here to, is Jessica who moved her eBay business onto the road. And our cat Libby 🙂
Your generosity has been boundless and, it seems, so is your knowledge. Thank you for making full-time seem possible for so many.
See you on the road.
Rick and Jessica
I understand. By all means, self-care first. We are just starting to digest all the info on your site – but we have loved watching some of your videos and we always search here for answers when questions pop up. You were one of the first sites we found when we realized we were really going to take the plunge and move our family into a trailer full-time. 11 weeks in now and so happy there are sites like this and others to hold our hand as we learn things we ha no clue we didn’t know. LOL In fact I came today to see if we could figure out options now that Omnilynx bellied up on us. LOL Thanks for leaving the content up. People can be plain mean. I’m sorry. We are just coming out of a career that was very “up front” and have found we needed this time alone as a family to regroup. You will be in our thoughts and prayers.
You guys are great. I’ve been checking your website for years and have got a wealth of knowledge from both of you. You educated me to the lithium world and many others. Hope you’re back soon we’re really going to miss you guys. Be safe and take care yourselves.
This post so upset me that I had to “delurk” and say something. I have followed both of your adventures since the early Tab days and I cannot thank you enough for sharing your journeys with us and letting us come along in spirit with you both.
I also wish to say thanks because I went through a very dark time in my life a few years ago and was deeply depressed and had a major health issue and was very ill, but you guys posting about your adventures always cheered me up. I am better now and doing well but you both have encouraged and cheered so many with your openness and honesty including me.
Thank you for everything and recharge your life batteries and even if you decide to never post again, I and so many others thank you for the wonderful journey that you have let us share with you both.
Well it has been a great ride, it is because of you and a couple of other folk on the www that my wife and I are enjoying the warmth of Arizona right now instead of shoveling snow in South Dakota. Take care of your selves, and enjoy the freedom you have as nomads. I know we are, even though this is just our 10th day of freedom, I already feel more alive then I have since 1993 when an accident took me away from my job and left me feeling like my life was pretty much over. Now we have taken to the road in an ,03 motor home with our cat, and both feeling better then we have in years. Thanks for the encouragment you both have given us and get well and come back to us soon.
You are loved. I think it’s a YouTube not caring problem. They just seem to ignore the bad guys and complaints about the trolls. 99.999999999 LOVE YOU GUYS!
I’m an avid lurker of your blog and greatly enjoy your enthusiasm for all that you do and share. You are an inspiration to many of us. Take this comment as full affirmation and support to offset the hurt others have caused.
You are great! There are a lot of jealous people out there…hey who wouldn’t be. You both are living the perfect life! My husband and I follow your blog and love hearing what you have to say. Please don’t let those who can’t control their little green jealousy monsters ruin this blog for you, us and all your fans.
We hope you enjoy your peace and privacy together and look forward to your next blog (we hope there will be more). Until then, Happy Holidays and have a great time!
I have enjoyed your post always. Enjoy your time away and looking forward to new post in the future.
I’ve been following you folks on YouTube for some time, and finally made it over to this site. By all means, recharge your batteries and unplug from the hate. I very much enjoy and appreciate your sharing your experiences. I’ve learned so much already. Just do return, ok?
Awwww… I love you guys! Look at it this way, you guys are now internet “personalities”!
And all the little petty “haters” are just lost souls ( if they have one.. :0) that do nothing of value, so their petty life consists of criticizing others! Truly a miserable life.
I have followed your blog and others, where people follow their hearts. Yours is one I do admire and enjoyed your outlook on life. You have made it work so well for yourselves, and I wish all the happiness moving forward, hope to see you back someday. Happy Roads,
Phil B
Your need for a break is easily understood. But I’ve enjoyed your blog for many years and hope you will be back, at least from time to time! I visit less often as I’ve focused my travel overseas and am pretty much anchored in Florida when in the USA. But I’ve learned so much about the technology, logistics, and beauty of your lifestyle that I’d hate to see it vanish altogether as so many less worthy blogs have.
Don’t worry about what other people think, just live your lives and try to help someone along the way. I believe that’s one of the things God intended for us to do while we go through life. Hope you guys get back online soon, right now I’m living vicariously through these RV blogs until my wife and I can get retired and join you all and yours is one I read frequently!!
I was just thinking today how I need to take a break from social media because I seem to see way more negative than positive lately. I have loved your blogs and adventures and you have inspired me to look at how life can be lived through different glasses…hope to see you back soon
How sad that the Haters have brought you down!! I hope all the love that has out poured since you posted has helped to heal you hearts. Please take all the time you need! Refresh yourself, reconnect, do whatever brings you bliss and whether or not that brings you back to the blog, let me just say thank you so much for everything you’ve shared!! Thank you thank you thank you for everything!!! Farewell and hope to see you again!!!! Love from Colorado!
I live here in Alaska and and for years I have watched your videos and read your blog many a dark and snowy evening. You both have added so much to the RV community and the only time I ever have gotten “upset” with you was when I went to your site and no new posting for to long a time. You guys are such gracious people willing to share all that you have with the RV community with hopes of helping someone in the process. My wife and I begin full timing as soon as the house closes which should be in a week or so. I have read and listened to your blog with great interest and have learned a great deal. The fact that others offer negative comments appalls me. Please keep in mind that many people always shoot at the best, the cream of the crop, the ones doing the job well. Though we have never met, I am proud of your both and believe me if my wife and I see that beautifully restored PD 4104 in a camp ground, we would be honored if you would share a steak dinner with us, our treat. Thank you so much. My heart goes out to you both.
Hello Cherie and Chris,
Thank you for your videos, humor, and excellent advice. I am sorry to hear you are receiving unkind comments. I am sending positive and warm wishes your way as well as a tip for a bottle of wine. ML
Oh crap… When finally found (today) a website with excellent information you decide to close it :/ I decided to enjoy my life and this country (we are venezuelans) with my 6-years-old son and I’m planning to travel every state with him. I saved this website on my cellphone as a reference, it looks very practical. Gracias!
For those haters, disconnect from that cellphone, get up from that couch and start enjoying life like this couple. Once you do that you will stop hating and envying others lifes…
Don’t worry.. we’re not closing it. Just taking a hiatus from creating new content.
I’ve read your blog quietly for a year or so now. I’ve watched some of the videos that interested me. Yes, it’s apparent that you’re not professional videographers – but you’re genuine. Sometimes in the blog posts, there are typos. I don’t mind — I still enjoyed reading your blog.
Your blog is an expression of your creativity that you choose to share with others. Your passions. Your experiences. When that passion is there, it can overcome the nit-pickers and those who you’ve described.
It’s time for you to stop. For yourselves. When your passion returns for sharing with the Internet, you’ll know. Then, maybe, you will share again. If it doesn’t return, many of us – most of us – will miss your wit, musings, adventures, and the occasional typo.
I, too, have been following you silently for over a year without commenting, but now am compelled to do so. My RV dream life is way in the future, but reading your words and listening to your videos is very inspiring and gives me hope for a better future.
I am so sorry that some people are so critical and rude. Is there any way that you can block the comments from some e-mail addresses so that you don’t even have to read their dreck? Similar to blocking phone numbers on your phone.
Good for you for realizing you need a break! Take whatever time you need to heal and whatever you decide to do in the future, please remember that you have a huge fan base who really appreciates all that you do and all that you share.
Best wishes on your hiatus!
This makes me so sad to read! We just moved into our RV full time last week, and I would say your sharing has been at least 1/2 of the reason we’ve been able to make it.
I’m very sorry for lurking instead of publicly sharing my support. You guys are awesome, and following you the past year+ while we worked hard on our full-time transition. Please take all the time you need, and know that some of us are eternally grateful for shedding the light, and eagerly anticipate your return!
I haven’t begun to full time yet, but I visited your blog many many times and always enjoyed it. I understand how you feel as I am pretty thin skinned myself and could not tolerate haters. I mean… really???? Had no idea you would receive those comments, Know that you have been positive role models for me. Heading out next May. Hope you’re back on by then. Have fun, but we’ll miss you.
Chris and Cherie,
I met you last year at Borrego, but had been following your blog and technology reviews well before that. You and your work are a godsend to your fellow RV-ers, and I (we) thank you for that.
Re: the haters – I recall a faux Latin phrase I encountered roughly 60 years ago – Non Illegitimae Carborundum Est – roughly translated as “Don’t let the bastards get you down.”
Hope you regain your zest real soon, but in the meantime, relax, enjoy, refresh.
Thank you for your interesting blog and all the great information you seek and pass on to us. Chris I like your hat, it’s you!…..
Now that being said; Please align your Chakra , Relax and assume the cross leg position, Arms out, feel the tension leave your neck, ooommmmmmm
Rest peacefully. See you when you float back!……..
Chris & Cherie,
I really hate to hear you’re getting hit with negative bs! I have really enjoyed your post and would love to meet you both on the road someday. Btw, I love the hat!
I wish that it wasn’t negativity that pushed you to this point, but it is important to make sure that you live your life, and take time for yourselves. Be encouraged that there is a silent majority of people who appreciate what you do and are interested in what you have to say. For every affirming comment, there are countless others who agree and silently stand by.
I hope this time of recharge and refocus brings clarity to both of you, and wish you all the best.
Well then. Since I haven’t previously thanked you for the entertainment and information, now seems to be the time… so, thanks! Not a lot of folks documenting their LiFePO4 experience, among so many other things; really appreciated all that was shared.
Hope you’ll be back, when you’re good and ready; either way, clear skies.
Sorry to hear of your troubles with the “nay-sayers”. Some people just aren’t
‘happy’ if they can’t drag you down to their level or misery. I’ve enjoyed your
blog and information you’ve painstakingly researched and truly appreciate your
efforts. You’re on the right track to take a break and recharge. Happy Traveling.
Chris and Cherie,
I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve had an onslaught of negativity – it’s never a healthy thing for anyone. As a aspiring blogger, life coach, and public speaker, fear of unbecoming feedback is one of the things that holds me back. I admire the courage you have and everything that you both have poured into your creation. I am often, like many, wrapped up in my own world and don’t always take the time to share feedback on posts, but please know that I appreciate the niche that you fill. Enjoy your break, well deserved.
Hey Team,
I’ve already commented on how sad I am at your decision while I fully understand it. Maybe it would be good idea to post some of those negative posts so others can see what’s being said about/to you. It won’t change the reality of the situation however, it might give others a sense of wht you have been going through. Maybe even some statistics on the negative vs. the positive posts. Just thinking out loud here. Hope you are getting your refresh on and hope to ee you back posting more information and travelogues. Miss you guys already and it’s only been a few days… tears in my eyes for your pain. Regards.
I’m not sure why that would be a good idea? We already did a synopsis of the some of the feedback we’ve gotten in the above post. We have long since deleted/banned the most negative of it, and we really don’t think it would do anyone (especially us) any good to attempt dredging it up again. We’re focusing on regaining a positive outlook.
Bravo, Cherie, take the high road and never join the low life. Rest, refresh and return to those who love you when you are able. Hugs.
You know I used to write, and even had some stuff published. I gave up after one of my short stories made it into an anthology and the editor, or typesetter, or someone down the line misspelled the third word in my story. Made me look the fool, I thought, to hell with it I though. The only witting I have done since then was for my therapist at the VA where I was undergoing PTSD treatment, thanks to a year in Nam. Now though, I have that urge to write again, being on the road, finding a new home when we tire of the old one has lite that spark once again. I hope you too can find that spark once again, after the pain has healed and you are once again whole.
It is a shame that both of you have been treated this way. I very seldom Post or even check a lot of sites, I am trying to clear out 2 business, and prepare a house for sale so that I can full time. I for one Have learned a lot of information from your site and enjoyed your videos, while learning. Don’t give up just because of the negative people trying to build themselves up at your expense. Enjoy your break, then come back renewed.
Oh no! I have always appreciated your energy and thoughtful presentation. Hope you decide to come back, us bus people especially! I can’t believe people on the internet are so thoughtless. Seems like it should be the exact opposite: tread lightly and be grateful for the people who take their time to enrich your life. You guys are definitely in that category.
Chris and Cherie,
Sorry to hear you’re taking a break. I always enjoy your blog. But WOW! Am I confused! What could you two possibly say that would generate so many negative/hateful comments?? It’s not like you’re covering controversial subjects or anything. You know – religion, politics, gun control, etc. (Not that I’ve seen anyway 😉 ) You’re just two hard working, caring people sharing your experiences and the knowledge you’ve acquired along the way. What’s to hate?? I don’t get it. I guess some people are just ignorant and narrow minded. Lucky for the rest of us they are just a tiny minority.
So… deep breath… take a look out your “office window” and remember why you do what you do and live the way you do. There’s a ton of us out here that envy you! PEACE.
You guys are – bluntly put – AWESOME! DW and I are SO sorry you have born the brunt of the haters out there (and we can relate!) Come on over and hang out on the Escapees forums while you decompress – ya know we loves you guys!
And for those of you out there who have nothing better to do with your lives that attack good folks who are trying to do the right thing and live a decent life. Stop It. Really. Seriously! All you do when you hate is demonstrate what a miserable life you, yourself have.
Chris & Cherie, we hope to see you someplace on the road in the future. Ya’ll be safe and keep posting!!
WOW! I can relate, but please don’t disappear. I had my own TV show for 6 years you are better than excellent!!! I just found your videos and you have been helping to move the mountain in my life(Debbie) to the Nomadic/RV Life that I had been living before we met. She has a disabled daughter and I’m willing to convert my rv to accommodate her. I know we are “free” she doesn’t see it yet. You are a real resource! Now to get your attention… I have a private vineyard in Illinois not big 38 rows 110 feet long each. With hay ground on a hill top, we can see 40 miles of farms and other things. Not very interesting but if you find yourselves in Northwest ILL you are welcome to boon-dock! Haters will hate…. Don’t be overly annoyed or overly annoying (my motto) most of all be a duck (most things are supposed to roll somewhere). I had 13.2 million viewers… want to compare haters? Yeah it isn’t email but….. I have a building big enough to park the bus inside.
Cherie and Chris – Hope you get the break you need and blog again. I always look forward to reading them and they are helpful. Keep up the great work!
Having just found you I am sad to see you taking a break…I understand I really do…. i will wait till you get back and will Continue to follow you… you have been a wealth of great info…. I don’t have an RV yet but plans are in motion… in the meantime I am saving money n researching what would be the best for me! Good thoughts to you both and hope to see you soon!
I’ve been reading your blog for a while now – not yet a full timer, but planning for the future and your blog has been invaluable. My partner and I own a web design business and that will be our source of income (hopefully) for many years to come, so your expertise in all areas tech is one reason I started reading your blog. Sorry you’ve had to deal with a lot of hate – just wanted to let you know there are many of us out there that really appreciate what you do and we’re reading (even if we’re not commenting). Hope to see you back soon!
Dear Cherie and Chris,
I always read your blog in a blog reader MR.Reader, an iPad app like Google blog reader was before. It does not show the comments and maybe that is why I had no idea you were also infected by the negativity bug
How horrible, is seems like an epidemic, everywhere I go I hear people complain about negative comments. It’s like people have nothing else to do then looking for something to complain about A psychological thing, if people feel lousy about themselves then kicking and hurting someone else will somehow make them feel better. Sad but true.
I’ve learned so much from you two over the past 3 years and I’m happy to hear that the MIA will stay strong and in action.
We were suppose to be full time on the road by now, I was already disabled but we knew we could manage that and now his hubness became suddenly hit with an unknown infectious disease, probably a Tick Borne DIsease. We stay positive, keep learning and hope for next year!
As I always say when I have a setback, back to baseline and we’ll go from there!
Sending you two lots of good karma for the future!
My girlfriend and I are going to convert a school bus into an RV. We just LOVE you guys. You are the perfect blend of knowledgeable, geeky and down to earth. I’m so sorry to hear that the haters have gotten to you. If you end up in the LA area, we would love to meet you.
Keep your chins up. You do a wonderful job and the information you put out is invaluable. I’ve been following you silently for a year or more – getting ready to put in order for first RV for myself and my wife and we’re hoping to meet you on the road someday.
Travel safe.
Thank you.
Cherie and Chris, Sorry to hear that you have been over whelmed by the negative folks. I’ve been reading your blog for months, although this is a first time comment. We are seriously thinking of full timing and have been gathering information for a while and your blog is seriously heavy in the information category. I hope you do decide to post again but in your time and on your terms. And if you decide not to post much anymore, that is the right decision for you and you certainly need to do what is right for you.
Thank you for the information you have already shared. Be good to yourselves.
Chris and Cherie,
You have both been an inspiration to the rest of the RV community, and are a positive influence to your followers. You have had a busy year, and are moving quite quickly at a pace that is not reasonably sustainable. Please come back whenever you choose to have time to share, as you are already missed. Chris, as an engineer I really appreciate your candid blogs on the realities of batteries and solar. Cherie, your personal observations and comments are most effective and inspiring, as are your photos. The internet, while a great technology, is a wasteland of negativity simply due to it’s reach.
Unfortunately, negativity is pervasive, and allows mob rule, so PLEASE don’t let them WIN!
All this said, THERE IS NO HURRY, slow the pace and post at your own rate, and share your thoughts with your followers whenever you choose. Travel your own road, share when and if you want.