Before the year gets away from us (wow, it’s mid December already????) and we start our year end wrap-up posts – I wanted to catch the travelogue up on our adventures. We started this blog as a place to record our journey, and we strive to keep that focus going forward.
Before we went on social media hiatus, we had just left Cochiti Lake after a glorious and (apparently not enough) re-charging 2 weeks, and headed to Santa Fe for some mechanical work on the bus. So, that’s where I’ll pick up the story up.
Santa Fe
We headed to Hal Burns Truck & Repair for our Thursday morning appointment to replace a ride height valve on our rear suspension. Unfortunately, they didn’t actually have a tech take a look until later in the afternoon. Which meant when they finally determined the model that needed to be ordered (they have a strict ‘no customer provided parts’ policy, or we would have had it ordered in advance) – it was too late for overnight delivery.

We’d be spending the weekend in Santa Fe. They kindly offered us free parking, but after having just been sprung free from our summer of bus renovations, we had little desire to spend more time than necessary in a lot.
We moved over to the highly rated, but pricey, Santa Fe Skies RV Park (our review).
We had a special reason to stay there actually, as it is the birthplace of RVillage – the social network for RVers that we helped launch in 2014. Founder Curtis Coleman was staying in the park when he woke up in the middle of the night wondering why he didn’t know any of his neighbors. And the idea was born to make it easier for RVers to connect on the road.
RVillage is about to top 40,000 members who check in across the country, and the site has continued to advance beautifully. While we haven’t been involved in the day-to-day since shortly after launch, it’s really exciting to see the seeds we helped plant blossom.
We returned to the shop on Monday to await arrival of the valve and took care of a couple other maintenance items — like installing two new 4D Interstate starter batteries.

Our new Precision Temp Jr. hydronic system has also been chugging about 30lbs of propane a week, even without running the heater much at all. We added some check valves to the pre-heat coolant loop at the suggestion of Precision Temp to eliminate heat convecting into the engine – but that has not solved the issue. We’re continuing to track down possible culprits.
The ride height valve didn’t arrive until Tuesday, but the folks at Hal Burns got us fixed up right away. Knowledgable and talented folks there, for sure. And while we wish they had been a little more efficient with getting us started – we did appreciate the bonus time in Santa Fe to explore, enjoy lots of amazing food and meeting up with friends.
Truth or Consequences
Our original intention post Balloon Fiesta was to spend some time exploring New Mexico state parks, and then eventually saunter on to Desert Hot Springs to meet back up with our buddies Nina & Paul (WheelingIt). Instead we ended up at Cochiti Lake, an Army Corp of Engineers park west of Santa Fe. Hey, intentions are good, but so isn’t releasing them.

We decided to head south after Santa Fe on our departure morning because cold weather was approaching. We set our target to South Monticello Campground inside of Elephant Butte State Park (our review).
We arrived in the middle of a strong wind storm and got settled into a nice scenic spot, intending to stick around a few days to explore nearby Truth or Consequences.
As soon as we got home after a post drive walk, the news was breaking – the too good to be true unlimited Verizon deal from OmniLynx was shutting down (yes, they came back a few days ago as OmniFund offering a T-Mobile deal, but it’s not available to the public this time around.)
Our inbox was already filling up, and notifications from our Facebook groups were pinging in. Which meant instead of doing what our bodies & minds craved after a long drive (relaxing) – we’d have to kick right into action to cover the story.
It was frantic, and I always hate being the bearer of bad news, even though we had thoroughly warned our readers not to expect the deal to last.
The added stress was enough to boil over a lot of pent up angst. When I woke up in the morning, the last thing I expected was an outpouring of support in response to my wine induced whine-fest (thank you again, to each and every one of you – you have no idea how much that meant to me.)

We’ve been burning the candle at both ends for too long without a break – trying to keep up with the bus renovations, our work obligations, getting to the Xscapers Convergence, and keeping our social media up. Pressure to commit to future projects, meetups and events were coming at us from multiple angles when really we just wanted to park somewhere for a while and be left alone.
We decided we not only needed a social media break, we needed a general reset. A fresh start with the bus to cleanse the lingering energy and properly christen her. We needed to re-establish our own personal & business priorities. We needed to hide away for a bit. We needed to get back in tune with our own partnership.
Chris got on VRBO.com and found a sweet vacation rental house in Truth or Consequences. Right on the river, with a private mineral hot tub. They allowed pets and had street parking for the bus. It was available immediately for a week, and cheaper than getting a RV spot at a nearby hot springs resort with a private soak.
Serendipity could not be more clear this is what we were meant to do.
And it was perfect. It gave us a chance to get away and reconnect with each other… a little vacation. Indulge in countless hours under the stars soaking in hot water. Huge thanks to our hosts, and now friends, Ken & Sally for making this special place available.
With us not living in the bus for a bit, we could spend some time thoroughly cleansing and reclaiming our home. Releasing the negative energy we didn’t have a chance to process with needing to dash out of Elkhart to Albuquerque.
We also thoroughly enjoyed being smack dab in historic downtown Truth or Consequences, named after the radio show of the 1950s. Such a quaint little town. Run down feeling at a quick glance, but full of artistry and character if you take the time to look deeper. We found many wonderful dining establishments tucked away. Definitely recommend checking it out if you’re in the area. At the very least, there’s some fine hot water soaking available in many of the public bath houses.
TorC could not have been a more perfect setting for us. After all, in life, you have a choice – deal with the truth, or pay the consequences. This was where we faced our truth. And it will forever remain a special place in our hearts.
Up Next
This post got too long, so I’ll continue another day with tales as we explored New Mexico and beyond. Including a break down on a mountain pass (fun!), snow, more hot tubs, our first co-op park and acquiring new folding electric bikes.
Happy New Year!! Love your posts, regarding places to stay, if you happen to be near Carlsbad NM, check out Brantley State Park.. Glad you guys are back!!!!
Welcome back… Perfect timing, as the solstice is here… May you continue to experience the light and warmth of positive energy!
Check out Spaceport America if you have time. Virgin still plans to offer sub-orbital rides from there sometime in the next few years. They have a mockup of the spacecraft on site.
Welcome back and thanks so much, enjoyed ready this post 🙂
Thanks for sharing your life experiences with us. Hmm. A hot soak sounds like a good idea right about now.
Welcome back! 🙂 We’ve been to Riverbend Hot Springs in T & C several times and loved it — but your private cottage looks even better! We were out of our RV for six weeks last winter while it was being repaired and stayed in various Airbnb locations around San Diego. It turned out to be a blast! Wishing you joyful and peaceful holidays.
Welcome back
Your VRBO looks wonderful, as does the private soaking. Very nice. I am looking forward to seeing folding electric bikes, I did not know there was such a thing. Fascinating post as always.
So glad to hear you two got a much needed hiatus and vacation to boot, especially after last summer’s long ordeal. Can’t wait to hear more. Safe travels!
Hey team Technomadia, so glad to see you are back. I`ve missed you.
Yay for some much deserved R&R! So glad to see you back!!
I tired T or C once. Way too too noisy, downtown. Made me long to go stay in NYC at Lex and 23rd w/ the windows open for something quieter. I did not finish the trip. I have to say renting the house was a great move. It puts you further out a little and looks very quiet and relaxing. When I move into my RV, it will be AZ. I live in NM now and the reason I first moved here was Feywood hotsprings, 20 min north of Deming. I have not found another hotsprings I like as much, except for that house you just stayed at.
Thank you for the post – what a lovely spot to recharge! I appreciate you taking the time to share with me and all your readers.
So glad you got to relax & soak! 🙂
I’m eager to learn what you learn about your Precision Temp Jr. I appreciate your insights.
Thank you so very much for all the time you so generously give to the community. I have been following you for awhile now. After watching many of your videos and reading even more posts- we made the leap and bought an RV yesterday, December 14, 2015. My husband, daughter and I will be living in the RV full time starting in February. It will be a roadschooling / bucket list / self-employed adventure! We will take our maiden voyage next week to Southern California. It’s a 1997, Georgie Boy Pursuit. It’s a fixer-upper but it’s the best we found within our budget and needs. Tomorrow I will give it a thorough cleaning- how much does it cost to have someone else do that, I wonder? Just trying to avoid asthma from the dust. The heat is blowing cold air and the microwave starts beeping at odd times. I’m still getting familiar with it. It needs some shades and a light fixture but it runs fine and has low mileage. Sorry for rambling. I just wanted to thank you. I know the value of time and appreciate the service you provide. I don’t think I would have been able to pass through the fear if not for all your words of encouragement and honesty about the process. You have inspired me so very much! Maybe we will see you on the road sometime. â¤ï¸
Congrats on your new home on wheels, and best wishes on your first voyage!
I would like to be a full timer some day and I have learned so much from your blog. Thank you for sharing your adventures. I look forward to getting your emails.
Cheers to the day you pull out of the driveway!
We really appreciate the update. Glad to hear you’re finding time to rest and reflect on your next steps. That VRBO rental was a truly amazing find. WOW!
The VBNO was definitely a score, and the people absolutely lovely.
As always guys,thank you for another very interesting, useful and well written post. We here love reading about your RV-ing tales in New Mexico and places further to the west plus all the other locations you’ve visited in your bus. We just had 600 watts of solar installed at McKinney Falls State Park by Greg of RVSolarsolutions.com, he did a stella job and we compared notes briefly on how your blog has positively educated us. Him to move from residential solar installs to studying at AMSolar in OR and going onto becoming a one man mobile RV solar installer. My wife and myself to actually slow dive into the full time/part time RV dry camping world. We’re really exited about getting to give the rooftop solar panels a long term test in New Mexico and Arizona etc. on mostly BLM land once we’ve successfully navigated another annual Family Xmas celebration here in Houston, TX, our home base. Thanks also for introducing us to RVillage.com via your blog.
lil’ behemoth
How wonderful that you had Greg do your installation – we enjoyed meeting them a few months back, and were amazed at their story of transitioning their careers to being mobile friendly. Very inspiring.
Did you also get to meet up with RVWanderlust while at McKinney Falls – I understand they were also recently there. Perhaps we’ll cross paths last this winter in a fantastic southwest boondocking location.
Welcome words from you both. Happy to hear you are recharging and taking time for your personal life. Sometimes I find it nice to withdraw from noise and busy world to natural nature. Healing water is the best. I will be waiting for more adventures and experiences in my email. Take care and enjoy the season.
Water is my happy place, it always recharges me. I need to keep that in mind.
What a sweet spot you found in T or C! Wow, looks like a wonderfully relaxing place. Serendipity it was for sure! So happy to have seen you both last week, made us feel good to see you feeling better 🙂 Welcome back and take good care of yourselves.
What a special treat to reconnect with you both! Hopefully our paths will cross again before you head north.
Nice to have you back, lurking from Canada
Glad to see you back? Please let us know what happens with the propane issue. We just got a new to us Ventana with the same PT Jr. and haven’t figured it all out yet.
That was supposed to be a ! not ?
So happy to be reading your post again! Love the truth & honesty… without any consequences! 😉 Love you guys!
Love you guys too.. !
Welcome back. Glad you got recharged. Will happily wait for more Posts when you are ready.
Happy to see you are back! Wow. TorC is a fun place. We were just in Santa Fe last weekend! Love that place but cold in winter.
We scored a house sitting gig in Tucson for winter where we can actually live in RV yet use indoor plumbing. Now in NorCal at a VRBO while visiting old haunts. Nice to give CharLi our RV a little break. And us too.
Get some well deserved rest and recharge your batteries for as lmuch my as you need.
Congrats on the housesitting gig! It’s definitely good to mix it up, and that’s always been our intention too. We need to remember to take breaks every so often.
So happy to see you back! Look forward to your words of wisdom as well as sharing your travels! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Good to see your post today. Glad you are back.
The Pelican Spa in downtown T or C is where i spend a week every October as i explore the old mining towns nearby. Chloride Creek, Palomas Gap, Monticello Box, and Apache Gap are all woth exploring if you are in the area. Have fun.
We strolled past Pelican many times. Loved TorC and will definitely want to return in the future and explore more of the area.
Glad you are back posting and teaching us all something with every post. Your stay at the rental house sounds like a well needed and deserved break. Good for you guys! Hope you figure out the PT thing soon, that much propane can cause a budget line change. Smooth travels and Happy Holidays!
The propane usage certainly is costing more than anticipated in dollars.. but even more annoying is tracking down refills so often.
Glad you are back!
Welcome back. Glad you got the break you needed. Now you need to weigh your activities just like we weigh our RVs to keep things in balance. We want you well and happy. And, yes, we are greedy enough to want you to continue to share with us. You have so much to offer and I, for one, am grateful to receive whatever you choose to share with us.
Great analogy of weighing your RV and weighing your opportunities to keep things in balance! Thanks Linda.
So glad to see you back. Life is short so enjoy your journey. Thank you both, for letting us tag along.
Sooo glad you are working your way back. I started reading your blog because of an interest in RVs. But I am finding so much more. You guys are inspiring on many levels. Thank you.
Thank you.. we hope to strike a balance of keeping it real/personal and helpful.
Welcome back! Not too bad to get “stuck” in Santa Fe – green chili sopapillas are my most favorite food 🙂 The little hideaway in TorC looks picture perfect for a recharge – glad you were able to take advantage of it.
Some truly amazing cuisine in Santa Fe… even outside of the New Mexican fare they’re known for. We found the most amazing vegan Thai place. Yum.
Great post, as always! Glad you had a chance to recharge and relax.
It was great to get your up date! You’ve been greatly missed. I’m glad you’re ok.
I have wondered about the hydronics and their efficiency in busses. I just wonder if there is too much surface area to mass especially because all that surface area is a highly temperature conductive metal. I have read arguments about keeping the water running through the engine as it is a giant thermal mass. I just don’t think that there is a really good heating solution for conversion busses and large RVs. They all seem to have some pretty big down sides. ALSO I am glad to see you had some nice relaxing time in a place with a hot tub.
PT has told us they have installs in RVs much larger than ours that are using less propane heating in very chilly temps. There’s something up with our particular installation that is causing heat loss somewhere.
Yay, you’re back! So good to “hear” the upbeat tone in your post, and know you have been able to re-charge your batteries.i hope you guys will maintain a more moderate pace, and take breaks as needed in the future, in order to maintain your sanity and peace of mind. If I may say, this nasty experience has at least shown you how very much more positive support you have than you had realized before.
Wishing you both a wonderful holiday season, and a positive and fulfilling 2016.
It really has been a blessing.. we never even imagined how many folks were reading along and appreciating. Sure, we see the page view stats – but we just assumed is was drive-by or automated traffic.
Hi you two:
I really am so GLAD to hear about your ‘vacation’ and that it was just what you needed when you needed it (it really does sound wonderful!!). Welcome back and I look forward to your future posts. Thank you for all that you share.
Now to make sure we keep some balance in our lives. 🙂 Thank you.
Thanks for the report on New Mexico. One of our favorite states to visit. We have passed thru Truth or Consequences but never stayed. We will be putting this on our list. Thanks.
So nice to hear from you. I’ve missed your travel-and-life updates!
Hot Springs and star watching sounds like the perfect thing to do to recharge! Glad your doing better!
So Glad you are back with your valuable info and interesting adventures. We missed you! We are anxiously awaiting our planned winter escape from the northeast in about 15 days. We too will be headed for beautiful New Mexico. Hope you have a wonderful holiday and a very Happy New Year! Terry and Carol
You guys scored a beautiful place in Truth or Consequences!
So glad to have you back – While I really value your tech reports and advise, I’ve missed your non-techy status updates.
Thanks for the post. I love NM and it’s nice to learn about it via your blog. Also, glad to have you back!