And just like that, summer is solidly here in Florida and the temperatures are heating up. Our season back on the boat is coming to an end.
This week we are getting the boat ready for longer term wet storage for hurricane season while we set off on some van adventures for a few months. Yup, pretty much following last year’s recipe for splitting our time between land and water.
Sanford Wrap-Up
We’ve kept busy since our last update in April, but really not much that is blog worthy. We’re done with catching up our overdue annual medical check-ups (all is good).
We’ve just been in general enjoying daily life living in downtown Sanford in walking distance to so much. Sanford continues to be such a treat.
We love live theatre and have been catching every show in town we can. We dine out frequently at the many local restaurants. Sanford has non-stop festivals and events to attend – there’s been an art show, wine walk, live music, food trucks and more.
We’ve also been spending time with local friends and family before we part ways for a bit.
We’ve taken a couple spontaneous van trips to local state parks – including a couple days at nearby Blue Spring for some swimming & floating in cool spring water. And over to Gamble Rogers for some play at the beach. And have even gotten the boat out for some secluded anchoring.
The past few weeks have also had focus on kicking into gear boat projects we want to accomplish upon our return later this year.
All and all, life is good and balanced.
Which means before routine sets in, it’s time to shake it up with some hyper mobility again! We really have been enjoying the ebb and flow of extended stays in one place for bit.
Focus on Fitness
Like many, at the beginning of the pandemic we let our physical health slip a bit and got into some of the worst shapes of our lives.
Before the end of 2020, we both committed ourselves to being active regularly and paying more attention to our general well being. We also gave over control to our Apple Watches and their incessant demands that we stand up every hour, complete at least 30 minutes of physical activity and burn a decent amount of active calories.
And just in this past month, we have both met our goal of closing all our rings every single day for a year.
This physical activity thing has been rather addictive. Especially when we have an amazing hike & bike trail that runs right by our marina.
We’re both getting out running a couple days a week (myself mid-way through the ‘Watch to 5K’ 9-week program, but Chris is regularly running 3-6 miles at a time!).
We’re out on the bikes regularly, including going on several longer rides in the past weeks. And we also use Apple Fitness+ for yoga, strength training, pilates and HIIT workouts.
Overall, we’re both feeling fantastic and full of energy.
And we think the results are showing rather nicely too.
Where To Next?
So, we’re about to pack up the van and hit the road next week. Where are we headed?
We actually don’t have much of an agenda or plans.
We do know our first stop will be the Escapade Escapade in Tennessee – so if you’re going, see you there!
After that, it’s an open slate and we’ll likely wander wherever serendipity calls us. Cooler temperatures will play a key role in our routing, as will rendezvouses with friends.
We do intend to get back to the bus in Arizona in early fall for a bit, and then return to Sanford by mid-November in time to celebrate Chris’ 50th birthday and the holidays with family & friends.
Other than that, the adventure ahead is unwritten. Exactly as it should be.
See ya on down the road!
David and Sharon Rasmussen says
99% sure I power walked past you both a few times doing a loop by the lake in the hills of TN this morning. You’re looking great! We still travel in our van, but have a cabin 3 miles down the road and walk/hike/swim here often. Reach out if we can meet you somewhere for drinks or dinner.
Cherie Ve Ard says
Let’s see.. yesterday.. that might have been when we were at Defeated Creek? Just a quick overnight (lovely park) after leaving Escapade. We’re already down the road and up into the Smokeys. says
Hi Cherie!!
We are also FT on our Coach and Boat. Isnt it a great lifestyle!!!
We just recently sold the Pacific NW boat and purchased a 53 Carver Voyager in Florida. She’s on the hard in in Moore Haven for Hurricane season but I’d love to know more about your marina in Sanford. Can you give me a approximation of moorage fees? Also wondering who you use for boat insurance as I am shopping for better rates.
Hope you have a great summer on the road!
Cherie Ve Ard says
You can learn more about our marina at – their rates are posted there. We worked with an insurance broker recommended by the MTOA to find the right plan for us.
Jennifer Lynch Dimeck says
You guys inspired my husband and I to RV full-time last year to know some things off the bucket list. I used your guides to set up my mobile accounting practice and off we went! It was not the year we expected, but being mobile meant we were able to spend several months in TN when my dad passed away from COVID. We were comfortable in our home with our pups and were able to stay on my cousin’s beautiful farm. We are now building our home base in Sunsites, AZ, just a little down I-10 from Benson. We love it here! My husband is at the end of his journey with pancreatic cancer and we believe this will be the perfect place for me to homestead as a young widow. The community is amazing. Enjoy your travels, and say hi to my mom as you pass through TN 🙂 — Seriously, if you are anywhere near Lebanon, TN off I-40, let me know. Mom would love to make you breakfast!
Laura says
This sounds like you are getting your life back a bit! Good for you. Loved the good ole days with travelogs and camp ground reviews! We traveled in our RV by some of your old routes! So happy you can get out and switch things up.
Bob says
I see better MPG in your upcoming trip . You are leaving behind a bit of additional weight . LOL . Have a safe FUN trip .
Cherie Ve Ard says
Considering we’ve not moved the boat more than about 100 miles this year… we’ll be substantially increasing our fuel consumption with this van trip :).
edc1951 says
Wow, wow, wow! You guys look fantastic. And you have convinced me to start closing my circles. They, too often, look like wide open Cs. Happy travels!
Marie says
You both look fantastic! Dedication pays off. Cheri I love the dresses you wear. You look so fresh and pretty. Lifetime Michigan resident; if you would like any suggestions please ask.
Erica Hammer says
You both look terrific. Congratulations!
I love that you have no real schedule- – just wander where you want to go next. It’s our favorite way to travel.
Joanna L Demarest says
You guys look great!! Such a healthy glow!! Well done both of you!!!
Phoebe Moon says
Interesting. I thought it was odd that you would put the boat away during the hot weather until you mentioned the magic word “hurricanes”. And, of course, it makes sense that you would travel north in the warmer weather. Enjoy your trips!
Cherie Ve Ard says
Indeed.. Sanford is about as well protected as you get in the SE being about 40 miles inland. Great place for hurricane season for storage.
Robert Martel says
If it’s great summer weather you seek, consider putting Northern Michigan and the UP on your itinerary. 🙂
Cherie Ve Ard says
It’s definitely on our potentials list 🙂
Charles William Reece says
Did you get to use the boat at all this season? Or just dock queen? What are the prices of diesel in your area there. I know it has been an issue with boating in Texas.
Cherie Ve Ard says
We did a several day boat trip down and up the river, and a couple anchoring out local trips. When we filled the tank back in April, believe we paid $5.39/G.. no clue what they are today for marine diesel.