When we last left our Great Loop travel journal, we had just left Marathon after Hurricane Irma and found a protected anchorage in Plantation Key to ride out the season’s first cold front. Now, another tropical system was brewing and on course to pass right over the Keys. We decide to seek out a sheltered […]
Getting your RV Education: Overview of Three RV Online Schools
The RV industry is booming right now, and there are more people than ever planning to buy RVs and hit the road. If you’re one of them, then you’re probably elbow deep in information overload trying to learn everything you need to successfully pursue an RV lifestyle. When we hit the road almost a […]
Saying Good-Bye to Marathon – In Search of a Protected Anchorage
We’re almost caught up! This post takes us back to Marathon post-Irma, leaving our new community and continuing the journey. Just one more episode (I think) and the travelogue will be almost real time again. Whew! Thanks for your patience with the constant shift in time line. When we last left our Great Loop travel […]
Preparing a Boat for a Catastrophic Hurricane – Hurricane Irma in the Florida Keys (And Happy end of Hurricane Season!)
First of all… a big ole WAHOOOOO for it being December 1st! The 2017 Hurricane season is officially over. And while the season is over, many are still dealing with the fallout of the major storms that made landfall. Power is still not returned to the majority of the islands impacted, people are still homeless […]
Thankful for YOU!
We have much to be thankful for this season. And amongst them is having you along virtually for the ride. Thank you for your kind words, your support and your friendship over the years – and particularly over these past couple of trying months. Wherever the day finds you, we hope it’s full […]
Dealing with Stress: Ending our Whole30 Diet Hack
It’s no doubt we’ve had a bit of stress in our lives this fall dealing with hurricanes and now the channel marker incident trying to leave the Keys. After returning to Marathon post-Irma, we really noticed our diet had gotten pretty unhealthy during all of the chaos. It was too easy to default to stress-eating […]
Hurricane Irma Evacuation and Return to Marathon, FL
This episode was difficult to create. It brought up so many emotions, especially with ongoing devastation from Hurricane Irma still being dealt with by many. It was a tough to go back and see ourselves processing the difficult decision of leaving our boat behind for a potential direct Category 5 strike. During this time period, […]
Arriving to the Keys – Pre-Irma Marathon
Ok.. time warp time again, this time taking you back to mid-August and our arrival to the Keys, and our time there before Hurricane Irma! I promise you, we’re working to get the travelogue caught up to real time! Thanks for hanging out with us! When we last ended our Great Loop travel journal entry, […]
They Say There are Two Types of Boaters… A Bump in the Water & Our First Tow
First of all, I apologize for the continual time jumping around in our posts. One moment it seems we’re leaving Ft. Myers, then we’re in the middle of a hurricane in the Keys, then we’re back in the Everglades in August, and now we’re skipping you back to present time in Miami. We’re trying to […]
Everglades National Park: Little Shark River & Cape Sable – A Big Storm ‘At Sea’
On our last post, we had just left the civilazation of Marco Island to start heading south to the Keys. We explored three amazing anchorages in the Ten Thousand Islands. Today, we pick up the journey and share about our next two stops in Everglades National Park. Keep in mind, this segment was in mid-August, […]