We have now been in Marathon, Florida for two months. TWO MONTHS!! Where has the time gone? Oh right, that little interruption we’ll just call Irma. We switched to real time updates during the evacuation, waiting for word on our boat and the initial recovery. And honestly, there was a span of time we didn’t […]
Moments of Normal Returns to The Keys: Burdines Waterfront Re-Opens
As we’ve passed the 1-month mark since Hurricane Irma struck the Florida Keys, folks here are still deep in dealing with the fall out. We’re in a location here at Burdines where we have to look harder to see signs of the destruction. Even the water is returning to that gorgeous green/turquoise color and marine […]
Hurricane Irma Recovery Update: It’s October Already?!?!
It seems like the month of September was one big blur, and suddenly we wake up and it’s October. A month ago, we were watching the weather forecasts and Irma was just this tropical threat that might give us some outer bands to contend with. And then wham, the next morning the forecasts shifted and […]
Back in Marathon Post-Irma: Re-United with Y-Not
Two weeks ago today Irma’s eyewall passed just a mere couple miles from Y-Not’s location in Marathon, striking as a full force Category 4 hurricane. From the safety of our bus parked nearly a 1000 miles away in Summerdale, AL – we watched on our security camera until cellular service went out in the early […]
Hurricane Irma Update: Y-Not Floats & Getting Back to Marathon
It’s been a long week since Irma hit the state of Florida and beyond – for all. Not just us. Given the word was that it could take weeks for residents to be allowed back into the middle Keys – we opted to stay up in Alabama a few more days. We had been joined […]
Hurricane Irma Update: Marathon Takes the Brunt
We could not sleep Saturday evening as the hurricane started to impact Marathon. Our remote security camera (a Zmodo Pivot) we left behind running on our AT&T Unite Explore hotspot was sending us chilling images and sounds. Wind whooshing, creeping, knocking, banging. We hoped with all hope we had done all we could to secure […]
Hurricane Irma Evacuation Update: We Escaped Florida!
Just a quick update .. this morning, as anticipated, our location in Ponce de Leon, FL was issued Tropical Storm Warnings as Irma started shifting more westward. Getting further west was prudent. We considered several options, including some kind offers along the way to driveway surf (thank you!). We opted to head to the Escapee’s […]
Hurricane Irma Evacuation Update: Out of the Cone
It’s been a grueling week, and it’s not over yet. We know we’re not alone as all of Florida and northward are making similar preparations, evacuations and decisions. This evening, we pulled into a campground with availably in the Florida Panhandle, about an hour and a half east of Pensacola. For the first time since […]
Hurricane Irma Evacuation Status Update: We Have Left the Keys by Land
Just wanted to get a quick update out on our hurricane preparation and evacuation – as we shared (yesterday? last week? last month?.. it’s been a long few days) we were considering a few different options. First of all, we could not be more thankful for the support of our communities all across social media […]
Hurricane Irma & The Keys in a Boat Update: Escape by Land or Sea?
We know many are still dealing with the aftermath of Harvey – but we are now dealing with preparing for our own hurricane. Yup, we are in Marathon, Florida – the Keys. We’ve been closely watching Irma since she was a little invest off the coast of Africa and up until now, most projections had […]