Ahh.. New York state. In our last post, I shared about our first visit to upstate New York, and how it’s defied all our preconceived notions based on the big city. We were excited to continue checking out new locations in the state. We decided that we really did want to attend the Escapade in […]
Big RV: Little Generator – Downsizing to a 2500W Propane Generator
If you were hanging around our little corner of the web this time last year, then you might remember we had a few little BUNCH of modifications made to our bus. One of the projects we tackled was downsizing from a 7500 watt diesel generator to a 2500 watt propane powered one. We had a lot of […]
Entering Upstate New York: Chenango Forks & Herkimer
The only time either of us have ever spent in New York was the big city – New York City. And while I know from looking on a map that New York is so much more, that’s the impression I’ve always had. Big city. Traffic. Hectic Life. High Costs. So when we received an invitation […]
Not Lacking in Pennsylvania: Philly Area Stop & Lackawanna State Park (Dalton, PA)
After being sprung free from US Coach for our preventative maintenance stop in Vineland, New Jersey it was time to continue our journey north. Our next stop was a planned rendezvous in the Philadelphia area, and with the upcoming 4th of July holiday weekend – plotting a course that would keep us with awesome places […]
Zephyr’s First Ferry Ride: Pocomoke River State Park, Cape May-Lewes Ferry & Vineland
We often have readers who have attempted blogging write us in thanks for keeping up with this blog for so long. It’s not until you try to do it yourself that you realize just how much time & effort it takes to write, process photos and keep a story going. If you’re not motivated to […]
Routing North Via the Delmarva Peninsula: Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel RV Overnight Parking
Last we left you on our journey north we had just completed a delightful stay at Little Pee Dee State Park in South Carolina. Egads, that seems like eons ago, even though it’s been less then 3 weeks. As we’re approaching the northeast, we were hesitant about the usual low clearance spots, tight roads and […]
Five Years Living & Traveling in a GM 4106 Vintage Bus Conversion
Five years ago this week, we handed over a big wad of cash to a guy in a parking lot and became vintage bus conversion owners. And, wow.. what an amazing life we’ve enjoyed with our mighty gal, Zephyr. And what a long way we’ve come! Not only do we recognize our five years with […]
Peace & Quiet at Little Pee Dee State Park – Dillon, SC
Oh boy, do I have some travelogue catching up to do! We’re already up in New Jersey, and I’m several stops behind. But, such is life on the road sometimes, there’s just not always time to enjoy it and stop to share it. So, last I left you we had just barely escaped a tropical […]
Tips for RV Driveway Surfing – Being a Great Temporary Neighbor
When we first hit the road, we started getting invitations to come park in people’s driveways. I found it odd at first. Did these well intentioned folks think we couldn’t afford to stay where I thought RV’s belonged – in campgrounds? I was on a mission to prove we weren’t moochers, and could pay our […]
Making Miles North & Staying Ahead of the Storm – Georgia & South Carolina
We left our lovely oceanside site at Flagler Beach with one goal in mind – head north to cooler temperatures! With temperatures reaching into the upper 90s in much of the southeast, we knew it would be many miles before we saw relief, but we had to get them done sometime. Driveway Surfing in Georgia […]