Our goal for getting to Florida on this time scale all started with wanting to meet up with Chris’ folks before they ended their snowbird season in Spring Hill. The time had finally come to put down the landing gear, stow our tray tables and put our seats in their upright positions (we did not however turn […]
The Sucky Sides of RVing: 10 Things that We Hate about Full Time RVing
Every so often we see a rash of comments in RVing groups, blogs and forums from folks who hit the road and are now disappointed with their choice. And they almost always blame all the bloggers, vloggers and Instagrammers out there who seemingly focus on the positives and oversold the lifestyle (as if we earn a […]
Finally… Florida!! Mountain Biking at Santos Trailhead & Campground
First… whew. It’s been a wonderful and busy past week spending time with family. Now it’s time to get the blog caught up. Comparing schedules with family and possible RV parking options in Spring Hill, arriving on April 1st looked the most ideal. Which would give us a few days to play around with between our […]
Eastward Bound: The Florida Panhandle During Spring Break
We love the Florida panhandle, and I had dreams of some time on the beach at one of the many fabulous state park campgrounds on our way across. Times in the past we’ve stayed at Grayton Beach and St. Andrews State Parks, and would have liked to check out some of the other coveted spots […]
Eastward Bound: Fontainebleau State Park – Mandeville, LA
Our next stop along our eastward repositioning into Florida was actually one planned in a bit in advance. We had been keeping in touch with our dear friends Forrest & Mary who wintered in Florida this year. They’d be on their way to volunteer at the CARE continued assistance facility at the Escapee’s Rainbow Park […]
Eastward Bound: Martin Dies, Jr. State Park – Jasper, TX
As we were plotting our continued repositioning east from Austin, we were keeping a close watch on weather ahead. Massive rain storms had hit much of East Texas and Louisiana, and road closures were predicted. We had also had several readers advise avoiding I-10 between Houston and Lafayette due to lousy road conditions in general. […]
Eastward Bound: Stop in the Austin Area
Last we checked in on the eastward repositioning, we had just left Seminole Canyon State Park near Del Rio, TX. Austin is what I consider my home town, where I grew up. Since my brother still lives there, it’s a frequent place we route through when crossing the country. Austin is also attracts amazing people, which […]
Can You Stay in 55+ RV Parks if You’re Under 55?
Even us road veterans are constantly learning new things. Today, I wanted to share with you something that we were never clear on and had to dig deeper to understand. I want to be very upfront here… I’m not posting this to make an argument if this is right or wrong, or to start a political debate (and […]
Spring & Summer 2016 Coming Together (‘Plans’ Ahead)
We’re now solidly on our way east, estimating arriving in Central Florida by the end of the month. We prefer not to be planners, but we are intention setters. So I thought I’d share with you today how our intentions ahead are looking. Early April: Time with family & friends in Central Florida. The main timing influencing […]
Eastward Bound: Seminole Canyon State Park – Comstock, TX
We don’t often think too far ahead in our routing, we prefer planning things a day at a time. On this particular repositioning, we know we need to keep ‘heading east’ and we’ll likely eventually make it to Florida. (You do start to learn these complex navigational things after so many years on the road.) We […]