It started as a dream… a wish. A wish for a community of like minded RVers who are choosing a nomadic life and not waiting for the promise of traditional retirement. A network of peers where we can share experiences, navigate the tricky parts of this lifestyle together, and strengthen our combined voices. Of course […]
The Road to Albuquerque
While our pace of getting from Elkhart to Alburquerque was not as relaxed as we would have ideally liked, we made the best of it and worked in a couple of longer stays in scenic locations to get some catch-up time. We generally followed Route 66 the entire way from St. Louis. When we last updated […]
Is It Worthwhile to Renovate an Old RV? Why Not Just Buy New?
Some of the most frequent questions we’ve gotten over the years (particularly during our summer 2015 bus renovation) have been around the amount we have invested in our RV, and more particularly – why didn’t we just go buy a newer RV with all the features we wanted, rather than building them in ourselves? Is it […]
Summer 2015 Bus Renovations Tour & Project List
Now that life is getting a bit back to normal and we’ve had some time catching up – it’s time to begin sharing about our bus projects! To start the ball off, we thought we’d share the ‘nickel tour’ with you. If you have the bandwidth to spare, we highly recommend this 17 minute video tour […]
Back on the Road.. And it Feels Great!
Ahh… the freedom of the open road! Sounds other than trains squealing, vile rap music, forklifts, welding, grinding and the other regular shop sounds we had grown so accustomed to. Views other than of a gravel industrial lot. Healthier meals cooked at home, instead of constant convenience food. Miles under our tires being made. Washing squished […]
Bus Progress Report #6: The HOME Stretch! (September 10-16)
First.. the big news! We have been sprung free from Elkhart, Indiana and are back on the road! On Tuesday afternoon, after buttoning up the final tweaks and settled up the bill – we fired up the 2-stroke engine and started our journey south and west towards Albuquerque. In this post we’ll catch you up on […]
Bus Renovation Progress Report #5: Con-Du-It Attitude (Sept 3-9)
We celebrated the marvelous new paint job on the bus, and quickly it was back to work. There’s still lots to get done to get us back on the road. Master Tech had a goal of getting Zephyr water tight and climate controlled by Labor Day weekend, so that we could spend the weekend doing […]
Bus Renovation Progress Report #4: The Paint Job! (August 27- Sept 2)
Ahhh… it’s finally happened. The big project that we came to Master Tech RV for, a new paint job for our 1961 vintage bus conversion. Here’s a quick video overview we took over the past few days following the paint job – which includes some cool action clips of the paint going on: A Quick Summary […]
Bus Renovation Progress Report #3: Roller Coaster Week – August 22-27
Our first week back on site in Elkhart, went pretty well. Our second week however, was a bit more of a roller coaster. Despite some set backs and continued delays, in the end lots of progress was made – and we’re happy to report, that Zephyr is currently back in the paint booth getting prepped! […]
Take the RVer Census – Let Your Voice Be Heard!
We’ve long felt that data on today’s RVers could be critical information to have when designing services, approaching companies or fighting unjust legal rulings. Knowing how many of us there are out here, and some of our basic demographics can shape so many things. Especially as the demographics of RVers is so rapidly changing with […]