We’re back from Alaska and enjoying our last few days in the Pacific Northwest. We just loved Vancouver so much on our way up, we had to return. We’ll get back to updating you on the final chapters of our Alaskan Adventure (including the RV rental, time in Seward and the return cruise south) – but right now, […]
Phase 5 – Alaskan 2015 Adventure: Adventurer Class Railroad from Fairbanks to Anchorage via Denali
Last we left you hanging, we had just departed Fairbanks after some RV blogger shenanigans playing in the midnight sun. An amazing and memorable experience that now seems like decades ago. It was now time to turn our adventure southward again, but not without a stop at Denali National Park first. Fairbanks to Denali, Denali to […]
You Must be Present to Win
Yesterday we were watching glaciers calving while soaking in a hot tub aboard our return cruise south. Life is tough, I know. I joked to Chris that I should skip updating on our Alaskan Journey this week and instead put up a short post about being present in your travel experiences. After all, taking time out to blog […]
Phase 4 – Alaskan 2015 Adventure: Alaska Railroad GoldStar Service to Fairbanks
Ahhh.. nothing like a week of indulgent cruising to reset the senses. Gorgeous unending views, wildlife spotting, calving glaciers and amazing experiences shared together all while someone else handles the cooking, cleaning and driving. We pulled into Whittier not quite ready to disembark the Coral Princess, but knowing full well we still had weeks ahead […]
Phase 3 – Alaskan 2015 Adventure: Northbound Cruise to Alaska
Back in 2004, I went on an interior passage Alaskan cruise – and it was highly memorable. After several enjoyable Caribbean cruises with Chris over the past few years, I wanted to share with him the Alaskan cruising experience.. it’s really like no other. When we started considering coming up to Alaska this summer by non-RV […]
Phase 2 – Alaskan 2015 Adventure: Touring Vancouver, BC
Last we left you hanging, we had just arrived to Vancouver after a multi-day cross country Amtrak rail adventure. Ah, it seems so long ago that we arrived to Vancouver – so many adventures since to catch up on! Vancouver, BC When we were planning our summer travels and considering a one-way cruise to Alaska, […]
My Perfect Travel Alarm Clock
I have a hard time sleeping if there’s not a clock that I can see when I open my eyes in between sleep cycles. A quick almost unconscious glance at the time keeps my rhythm on track, and gets me right back to nestling in for a few more hours of restful slumber. If I […]
Phase 1 – Alaskan 2015 Adventure: Amtrak Train Travel from St. Louis to Vancouver, BC
After a hectic rush of energy to get everything ready to leave our bus behind in the hands of Master Tech RV in Elkhart, IN – we had one final night of rest in our own bed. Saturday morning, May 30, we loaded our backpacks, a bag of dirty laundry and Kiki in the Mini […]
Planning Our Great Alaskan Adventure
We’re officially off on our Alaskan Adventure, having left St. Louis early on Wednesday morning by train. I write this while watching rolling hills in North Dakota and Montana pass us by outside our Roomette window aboard Amtrak’s Empire Builder on our way into Seattle. We’ll be blogging and sharing along the various phases of […]
Zephyr’s Summer 2015 Renovation Hit List
On Saturday morning, we left Zephyr in our rear view mirror as we departed Elkhart in our Mini Cooper, like nervous parents dropping our kid off for summer camp. This summer, Zephyr will be attending Camp Master Tech where she will be whipped back into shape. Four years ago our GM 4106 vintage bus conversion […]