I know however this post comes out, it’ll never be able to fully convey our amazing stay in Sanford. How do you summarize four months into one post? We get asked all the time ‘what’s your favorite place’ or ‘if you decide to settle down, where would it be?’ After 13-years of full time travel […]
Cruising / Boating (March 2017 - present)
How We Hopscotch Our Vehicle Between Marinas
Long time followers know to brace themselves on April 1st around here – you just simply don’t trust ANYTHING my sweetie posts that day. Hopefully you got a kick out of his dream version of how we move our MINI Cooper between ports. However, many of you are probably left wondering just how actually move […]
St. Johns River Cruise – Part 3: Lake George to Sanford (Living in a Wildlife Documentary!)
And now, the final episode on our southbound cruise of the St. Johns River – the final push into Sanford. If you missed the first parts, be sure to check out Part 1 and Part 2 first. And as always, the video version of this segment. This is our very first 4K rendered video – […]
Our RV, Van & Boat Mobile Internet Setup – 19 Years of Keeping Online (Updated: February 2025)
When we first hit the road in 2006 to travel full-time, being able to work remotely utilizing mobile internet was absolutely essential in pursuing our nomadic dreams. We started off in a super tiny travel trailer, we were working remotely as software developers and technology consultants. While we were self employed, at the time we […]
St. Johns River Cruise – Part 2: Deep Creek to Georgetown (Twisty Creeks and Tasty Shrimp)
Time to pick back up the travelogue, this time the second part of our St. Johns River cruise heading into Sanford. If you missed the first part, click on back to get an overview of this little side voyage. First, the video version of this segment with lots of awesome drone & time lapse footage: […]
Starting our Cruise Up the St. Johns River – Part 1: Jacksonville to Deep Creek
First of all, happy new year! We hope it’s off to a great start. Ours has been a little rough with fighting ‘holiday crud’, a crazy workload, boat projects and multiple midge invasions. But we’re coming up for air, and ready to start filling in the travelogue a bit. Hard to believe we’ve been in […]
Happy Holidays from Technomadia!
Wishing you and yours a joyous holiday season! For the first time in a few years, we are spending the holidays at home – instead of traveling off to visit family. We’ve been enjoying getting into the holiday spirit here in Sanford – attending holiday festivities, time with friends, hanging with our dock-mates and hosting […]
How Much Does It Cost to Stay in Marinas?
When you share your life online, one of the most common questions you’ll get is ‘How Much Does It Cost?’. One of the top questions we got when ramping up to cruise after over a decade of RVing was – how would the costs differ? Now that we’ve got nearly 2 years under our hull […]
Letting Serendipity Do the Steering (We’re Staying on the Boat This Winter)
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned over our years of perpetual travel is to trust. Trust that things will work out. Even when you think you have a plan, look at it as setting intentions and be open to shifts. The past month has been a reminder of that. Our ‘plans’ going forward have […]
”By All Rights, That Engine Should Start” – Suzuki DF15A Outboard & Customer Service Failure
Our first stop after leaving Jacksonville to cruise up the St. Johns River was Doctors Lake – only 12 nautical miles up stream. We figured this would be a good short first hop to get back into the groove of living on the water, and we had heard that you could dinghy ashore at Whitey’s […]