Updated in April 2014 to reflect the recent announced changes in terms and pricing. It’s no secret, we’re big fans of Millenicom. For those just joining in – Millenicom is a “Mobile Virtual Network Operator” (aka MVNO) – a company which does not own a wireless network of its own, but which makes arrangements with […]
Unlocked & Universal – Millenicom Retina iPad Mini Awesomesauce!
The big unanswered question from our announcement of the “Ridiculously Awesome” Millenicom iPad Mini deal – would the iPads be locked to T-Mobile or not? Millenicom expected that they would be, though my research lead me to expect that like other iPad’s the devices from Millenicom would actually be unlocked. Our Retina iPad Mini arrived this […]
Millenicom’s Ridiculously Awesome iPad Mini Deal
Our favorite mobile data reseller Millenicom suffered a big black eye recently, when Sprint suddenly canceled the upstream gateway arrangement that enabled Millenicom’s “Unlimited” plan. Many former customers are still left without service, as their device’s ESNs have not yet been unlocked for re-activation on other services – a hugely frustrating situation for Millenicom and customers […]
Millenicom & Sprint Break Up, Gets Back Together, Then Breaks Up Again
For those following mobile internet options, it’s been a head spinning bad teenage romance novel this past week. Millenicom Unlimited customers, who’s plans were on the Sprint footprint, were served a cold dish on October 18th: Sprint has discontinued service to our gateway provider, unfortunately that means we can no longer provide the Unlimited or […]
Where are the LTE Boosters???
Without our two cellular boosters, our six weeks spent at Cape Blanco Lighthouse would not have been quite the serene paradise that it had been. It would have been maddening. Others staying at Cape Blanco State Park had taken to calling the bluff side picnic area a short walk down the road “the phone booth” […]
Announcing State Lines for Androidâ„¢!
It was a wonderful day back in May when long time reader Robert Lee of Hired Gun Technologies (Facebook Page) contacted us. He and his wife are travel enthusiasts and had been wanting to learn Androidâ„¢ development. We’ve had a number of developers begin the process of porting State Lines to Android, but roadblocks always came […]
Announcements: Handbook, Video Chat & Android?!?
Ok.. enough bus mechanical stuff for a couple days, eh? How about some other exciting stuff up … The Mobile Internet Handbook The launch of the our new book earlier this month, The Mobile Internet Handbook, was amazing! Thank you guys so much for supporting us, and helping spread the word! We’re excited that we’ve […]
Now Available – The Mobile Internet Handbook
We are thrilled to announce that our new eBook – The Mobile Internet Handbook, is now available! This started as a blog post overviewing options for us RVing nomads … and it turned into a 26,000 word book. We apparently had a lot of information in our brains to dump, way too much for a […]
Faster than Mold – LTE is Growing!
We recently did a map refresh update for our iOS app Coverage?. If you’re not familiar with our little app yet, it overlays coverage maps from the 4 major cellular carriers, and is intended to help us mobile bandwidth junkies better plan our routes to stay connected. It started as a selfish project to better […]
Busy Chilling
We have thoroughly enjoyed the past week parked at Wekiwa Springs State Park. Not only have we gotten lots of rest and relaxation in – we’ve also been able to catch up on some research projects, hung out with friends, went to an intense yoga class (ouch!) and handled some business projects. Oh, and there’s […]