Now that Burning Man is back in storage in Sacramento, we start to look forward. Thus far, we have only planned through the next couple of weeks. now – this weekend: At some point, we’ll meander to San Francisco for a quarterly All Night Dance Celebration with our Rhythm Society Community Sept 21 -30: We’l […]
Travel Plans
The Road Ahead: Summer 2009
The remainder of our summer plans are starting to take form, in part thanks to one of Cherie’s clients booking a training class in DC in mid-July. Our general plans are looking something like this: now – June 30 : Northern Indiana, including a trip up to South Haven, MI for Lakes of Fire Regional […]
The Road Ahead: New Mexico, Texas, and Beyond…
We are currently planning to spend one more night here at the Grand Canyon. Then, onward towards New Mexico, Texas, and beyond…
Travel Plans: Next couple of weeks
On Monday morning we will hitch up after having had the landing pads down for a few months in the San Francisco area. We’ve had a wonderful time immersing ourselves in community, building friendships and doing all the things that we love about the area. Being able to be somewhere for several months at a time has been wonderful and more our pace than being constantly in motion.
Being nomadic, after all, does not mean having to always be on the move.
Our general plan for the next couple of months is to head south than east, arriving in Austin by late April and St. Louis by Mother’s Day. And then back in the Bay Area by mid-August for Burning Man.
Tentative Spring Travel Plans
We’ve starting to think forward as to where our travels should take us in the coming months. The map above is a very tentative possible travel plan for late March through mid- May. Here’s what we’re thinking: March 22 March 27 (few days) – Leave the SF Bay Area and head south towards Los Angeles […]
Planning Forward
So far, the only concrete plan is that the training classes I need to teach up in the Seattle area are set for December 5. So, we’ll likely leave out of the Bay Area sometime this weekend and start a leisurely meandering up that way. Anyone between San Francisco and Seattle want to meet up […]
Initial Post Campaign Plans
We just completed shutting down our make-shift campaign office and loaded up, and are getting ready to head out of Fallon. We may not make it much further than the local county RV park for the night, however. Our most pressing need is to dump our tanks, but other than that – we’re both still […]
Las Vegas Connections?
We have volunteered to the Obama campaign in Las Vegas, we’re looking for an affordable way to stay there. With the long hours we’ll be pulling, we won’t actually be in the trailer much – so it would be silly (and costly) to pay for a commercial RV Park. Does anyone know anyone in Las […]
Westward Routing
Westward Routing, originally uploaded by Serolynne. This is our current proposed route for our trek westward towards San Francisco. If anyone lives nearby the route and wants to meet up for dinner/lunch/hanging out.. let us know! We’re planning to depart sometime tomorrow, and arriving San Francisco around Aug 18. It’ll only be a quick stop […]