Ah, end of the year. That time when we look back, remark on how fast it went by, how much we did, and we prepare to move on. For us road nomads, we usually wrap it up with a route of our travels. So, presenting our 2015 travel map (this is an embedded and interactive map, […]
Our 12 Favorite Campgrounds of 2015
This year, we stayed in 59 different locations in our RV, and several more in our months of non-RV travel. In this post, we’ll pick our 12 favorite RV camping locations from our past year’s travels. Each spot we stopped at brings back a special memory. People we were visiting or traveling with, a fabulous view, great hiking […]
A Quick Meander Through Arizona – Benson & Arizona City
After several weeks exploring New Mexico, we decided to continue meandering westward to keep our options open for rendezvousing with friends who had already reached southern California. We were still on the fence if we would just explore more of Arizona, or push to get on through. We still had a couple weeks to figure […]
Coming Over the Mountain – Continuing to Explore New Mexico
After our delightful and restful mini-vacation in Truth or Consequences, we moved back into our bus. Thoroughly cleansed after our summer renovation chaos, we considered it a restart to our adventures. One of the personal conclusions we came to during our reevaluation, was that we had overcommitted ourselves professionally. We had spent much of the […]
Continuing to Explore New Mexico – Santa Fe & Truth or Consequences
Before the year gets away from us (wow, it’s mid December already????) and we start our year end wrap-up posts – I wanted to catch the travelogue up on our adventures. We started this blog as a place to record our journey, and we strive to keep that focus going forward. Before we went on social […]
And MORE Blasts from the Past
This will likely be our last ‘Blasts from the Past’ post for a while as we emerge from our hiatus from creating new content. As a newer reader, you might not have seen this past content. And long time readers might have forgotten about them. When you’re preparing to the road full time, you might have some […]
On Hiatus: More Blasts from the Past
Another quick post this week while we continue our hiatus from creating new content, with some links to some past content that you might enjoy catching up on. As a newer reader, you might not have seen this past content. And long time readers might have forgotten about them. One of the more frequent questions we’ve seen asked […]
On Hiatus: Giving Thanks to Bloggers & Content Creators
We promised that while we’re on hiatus, we’d share with you some links to past content. Which you’ll find at end of this post. But I wanted to talk a bit about blogging first. Earlier this week, our dear friend Nina of WheelingIt posted The Darker Side Of Blogging? 5 (10) Things To Ponder Before You […]
On Hiatus: Blasts from the Past
Just a quick post this week, with as promised, some links to some past content that you might enjoy catching up on. As a newer reader, you might not have seen this past content. And long time readers might have forgotten about them. With the holidays approaching, us full time RVers start to grasp […]
On Hiatus: A Quick Thank You & FAQs
Ok, first of all, we know it sounds pretty silly to be making a post about being on hiatus, while on hiatus. I’m really not sure what to call what we’re doing right now. But we couldn’t just let all of the outpouring of support we’ve gotten over the past few days just sit there. We never […]