Back in 2004, I went on an interior passage Alaskan cruise – and it was highly memorable. After several enjoyable Caribbean cruises with Chris over the past few years, I wanted to share with him the Alaskan cruising experience.. it’s really like no other. When we started considering coming up to Alaska this summer by non-RV […]
Phase 2 – Alaskan 2015 Adventure: Touring Vancouver, BC
Last we left you hanging, we had just arrived to Vancouver after a multi-day cross country Amtrak rail adventure. Ah, it seems so long ago that we arrived to Vancouver – so many adventures since to catch up on! Vancouver, BC When we were planning our summer travels and considering a one-way cruise to Alaska, […]
Phase 1 – Alaskan 2015 Adventure: Amtrak Train Travel from St. Louis to Vancouver, BC
After a hectic rush of energy to get everything ready to leave our bus behind in the hands of Master Tech RV in Elkhart, IN – we had one final night of rest in our own bed. Saturday morning, May 30, we loaded our backpacks, a bag of dirty laundry and Kiki in the Mini […]
Planning Our Great Alaskan Adventure
We’re officially off on our Alaskan Adventure, having left St. Louis early on Wednesday morning by train. I write this while watching rolling hills in North Dakota and Montana pass us by outside our Roomette window aboard Amtrak’s Empire Builder on our way into Seattle. We’ll be blogging and sharing along the various phases of […]
Zephyr’s Summer 2015 Renovation Hit List
On Saturday morning, we left Zephyr in our rear view mirror as we departed Elkhart in our Mini Cooper, like nervous parents dropping our kid off for summer camp. This summer, Zephyr will be attending Camp Master Tech where she will be whipped back into shape. Four years ago our GM 4106 vintage bus conversion […]
It’s CRUNCH Time! Wrapping up Bus Project Planning
We have hit the ground running here in Elkhart. There are so many details that have to come together this week before we leave off by rail and sea for Alaska at the END OF THIS WEEK!! AHHHH. Ok.. deep breaths. We can do this! No matter how much planning and preparations you do upfront, […]
St. Louis to Elkhart – Getting Our Geese in a Row
After a wonderful but jam packed stay in St. Louis, we had about two weeks to get to Elkhart to start our summer bus projects. And we had a LOT of work stuff stacking up to get on top of before jumping into bus chaos then boarding a train to Alaska! So we set off with […]
RVer’s Guide to St. Louis, Missouri
Of all the cities we have visited over the years, we have probably shared St. Louis with more of our friends than any other. Chris’ parents both grew up in the area, and he went to college at Washington University. His folks still keep a summer home south of St. Louis, so it’s a frequent stop over for us. […]
Missouri – Harvest Hosts, St. Louis, Friends and Family
We’ve now been in St. Louis for well over a week this visit, and it’s so far been a jam-packed experience full of friendship, adventure, being a tourist, family and technology updates. But first.. how we got here after our meandering through Arkansas. Harvest Hosts Stays We love staying places that aren’t traditional RV parks whenever […]
Wandering through Western Arkansas – Au Pif Style
We’ve made a repositioning from Austin to St. Louis many times over our years on the road. As we have family ties to both locations, we’re often transitioning between two of our favorite cities and we love finding new ways and stops. As we were sitting in Daingerfield, TX, our decision point between two possible […]