Our time in Austin was jam packed with quality family time, and lots of social time. We could have easily extended our stay another few days just to enjoy some time to ourselves and attend to some errands. But it was time to move on, particularly since we had our windshield glass replacement scheduled north […]
Family, Friends & Fame in Austin
Wow.. what a whirlwind of a visit to Austin. When booking more than a week in a single location, it always feels like we’ll have all the time in the world to fit in work, social time and exploring. Then it goes by so quickly. There were several reasons for this visit to Austin that […]
Bluebonnets… Everywhere!
One of my favorite places to be in the springtime is the hill country of Texas. Thanks to the efforts of Lady Bird Johnson, wildflowers paint the roadsides. First starting with the Texas state flower, the bluebonnet. Also known as the Lupinus texensis or Texas lupine, the flower is generally a deep and vibrant indigo […]
Texas is BIG – 660 Miles through West Texas
I grew up in Texas, Austin to be precise. We’ve driven through the state many times over the years. But yet, it always amazes me just how big Texas is. Charting any trip through the state is a daunting task. So many miles, so many routes you can take, and even after all our years […]
Winter 2015 Boondocking Location Round-Up
When we were first approaching our very first winter season in the desert southwest, we had big plans of hitting lots of awesome boondocking sites. There were so many incredible sounding locations on our radar, and we were anxious to check them all out. Looking back to create this round-up, I have to admit – […]
Leaving the Southwest
We’ve been meandering around the desert southwest since November, enjoying a fabulous and temperate winter with lots of boondocking. Our very first season spent in the area.. aside from our ungodly hot summer in 2011 after we found our bus in Yuma. The Escapade earlier this month served as our bookend event to mark our […]
Our Second Escapade – Tucson, AZ
Our stop at Picacho Peak State Park was an intentionally planned rendezvous with our friends Travis & Mel to do some last minute strategizing on the launch of Xscapers before Escapade. It was lovely getting some extended in person time with them, after nearly a year of video and phone chats. We then meandered over to the […]
By the Wrath of Killer Bunnies – Ajo’s Name Shall Be Erased from Your Vocabulary
There’s always a risk that when a blogger shares about an amazing location, that so many folks will put it on their must-see list and what once made it a magical place – will go away. We’ve seen it happen, RVers following the trails left behind by those before them.. and then wham, the next time that […]
Back to Yuma: Zephyr Comes Full Circle
Flashback… It was June 2011, the first time we visited Yuma, AZ. We were on our bus hunt, looking for our next home on wheels. A nondescript Craigslist ad had lead our Amtrak train adventure to this desolate Arizona town to look at what we thought was an unlikely contender. But we decided to endure […]
Re-Charging near Cibola National Wildlife Refuge
Oh goodness, it’s amazing how quickly two weeks can pass us by like the blink of an eye. At our last travelogue, we were wrapping up our first ever visit to Quartzsite. Instead of waiting in line at one of the dump stations in town after our boondocking stay off Plomosa Road and paying nearly […]