Yet another delightful stay along the Oregon coast near Yachats came to an end. With the turn in weather causing more rainy and cloudy days than not – it was time to move on up the coast for our next stop. The next lighthouses are two right by each other – Yaquina Bay Lighthouse and Yaquina […]
Next up the Oregon Coast: Heceta Head Lighthouse & Yachats
We had such a delightful stay at Winchester Bay, that it was tempting to stay around longer. But we were also looking forward to the next stop up the coast – exploring the Yachats area, and touring Heceta Head Lighthouse. So we pulled out of Salmon Harbor Marina and headed up with coast, with a […]
Next Up on the Oregon Coast – Umpqua River Lighthouse & Winchester Bay
My new camera (Sony WX350) is taking so many great photos (and trust me – it’s mostly the camera, not the photographer), and each of our stops have been completely wonderful on their own – that I’ve decided that each deserves a separate entry in the travelogue. Our last stop was in Charleston, OR on […]
Next Up on the Oregon Coast – Cape Arago Lighthouse & Charleston
It feels so wonderful to be back to a meandering pace, and taking in life as we see fit. No impending deadlines, no schedule to keep, no destination we’re aiming for, no commitments. When we feel like moving on, we move on. When we find a location we really like, we extend. This is exactly […]
First Stops Up the Oregon Coast
After our lighthouse volunteer gig was up at the end of September, we set off to explore the Oregon coast. We set off with no specific plans, other than an intention to see as many lighthouses as possible and find some great camping spots. First Stop: Cape Blanco On Tuesday morning we got everything packed back […]
And.. it’s a Wrap!
It’s hard to believe that the month of September flew by so quickly, and our second volunteer season as lighthouse tour guides at Cape Blanco Lighthouse has come to an end. We knew pretty early on upon arriving that a month was going to be enough for us, and that our original intention of staying on […]
New Views on Cape Blanco
Shortly before arriving back to Cape Blanco, my Canon S100 that has been my trusty camera sharing a view of our world with you – went kaput. I was tempted to go with the current model in the same line as my S100, but I just simply never utilized all of the manual settings that the camera is […]
Arrived! Back at Cape Blanco!!
We’ve been in motion since last March when we left Florida with this one single destination on our itinerary – Cape Blanco Lighthouse in Oregon. We didn’t take the most direct route at all, instead of 3200 miles – we went the long way covering 4400 miles. It’s been an incredible journey getting here, full of wonderful […]
Oregon Adventures – Getting in Hot Water, Solar Geeking & Super Bend Host!
After our magical explorations in Idaho, the final state line crossing on this cross country repositioning would be into Oregon. We were excited to be exploring new territory to us, entering Oregon from the western desert side. Hot Springs in Burns, OR Our bodies were aching from sitting way too many hours at the keyboard working on […]
Magical Experiences in Idaho
Us technomads are pretty easy to please. We like pretty places to be and explore. We like an affordable place to be, free is great too! We like being around people we adore. And we love fast unlimited bandwidth. This next leg of our adventure, had our technomadic dreams being fulfilled! And with the eBook […]