Our time in Austin went way too quickly, as it always does. On Monday we enjoyed quality time with the family and my mom’s last day in town – including dinner at the Salt Lick BBQ and spinning ourselves under the Zilker Christmas Tree. After a lovely week of family holiday time, my mother flew […]
Family Warmth in Austin and Various Stuff
Despite our chilly arrival to Austin, we have been surrounded by warmth of family this past week. Our reason for being in Austin is because my brother still lives in this awesome city we grew up in. He and his new gal wanted to host their first Thanksgiving feast in their home- and my mother […]
A Chilly Arrival to Austin
In the week since our last travelogue update, we made it to our 2-week stop over point in Austin, TX for Thanksgiving with family. Since leaving Cape Blanco Lighthouse in mid-October, we have journeyed 2273 miles towards our winter destination of Cedar Key, FL. Whew… way too many miles for these nomads, but just over […]
Desert Bus Driving
We’ve spent the past week driving across the deserts of southern California, Arizona and New Mexico – appropriate as the Desert Bus for Hope fundraising campaign has been going on this past week. We’ve been able to knock out a substantial number of miles off our cross country repositioning and we’ve kept incredibly busy. Quartzsite, […]
Meanwhile, at a Yacht Club in the Desert…
We follow serendipity. It’s our guiding light. And Monday it was on in full force. While our location indicator on our blog was set to showing us in Phoenix already, we were actually still parked in Desert Hot Springs lamenting saying ‘until next time’ to Nina & Paul. We were about to make way to […]
Get Thee To a Spa!
Two of my favorite things about RVing are: In addition to our location changing constantly, we get to mix up the types of places we stay at. Meeting and connecting with amazing people. And thankfully, we constantly get to bask in the glow of these awesome side effects of a RVing life. Our next segment […]
Goodbye Cape Blanco – Hello Sacramento!
With our extension at the lighthouse coming to an end, and the reality of the cross country drive to Florida by the end of the year settling in – it was time to plot our escape and get on with the next adventure of clearing out Chris’ storage unit in Sacramento. We left Cape Blano […]
Lighthouses Guide More Than Ships
There have been few experiences so far in our nomadic journey where we leave already having set an intention to return someday. And yet – we have already signed up to return as hosts at Cape Blanco next year. I’ve been giving a lot of thought as to why I felt so connected and so […]
What?? The Month is Over Already??
Oh goodness, it seems like we just pulled into Cape Blanco to begin this lighthouse host adventure. How quickly four weeks goes by. We spent our last scheduled week trying to pack in as much awesome as we could – which is easy in a place where just sitting around is pretty darn awesome. […]
Another Week at Cape Blanco
Pout. We are now short-timers here at Cape Blanco – entering our final week of volunteer hosting. We’ve been continuing to explore around the area, and have hardly left the campground – there’s just so much to do here. Such as wandering the beaches and trails at sunset… Or night hikes to view the light […]