I think there’s something unique about returning to your point of origination in your nomadic journey. While being still for nearly 6 weeks now has been very nourishing for our nomadic souls, it also doesn’t leave a lot of room for posting about exciting travel adventures. As predicted, our lives have become a bit more […]
Slow Roll into Florida
Our big goal for the summer was to arrive back to Florida in time for my dad’s birthday, to present him our Operation: Dip Toes surprise. However, serendipity and good friends intervened and made that rendezvous happen up near Savannah. Thus allowing us to take a much slower approach into Central Florida. St. Augustine Almost […]
Our Secret Summer Mission – Operation: Dip Toes
This past summer we’ve been on a secret mission, and we’d like to share it with you. Just a fair warning.. the rest of this post is a bit more sentimental than we generally share in this space. The Secret Plan Last spring my father had received some extraordinarily good news regarding his cancer treatments. […]
Georgia Lingers In Our Minds
After wrapping up our bus maintenance in Chattanooga, it was time for some fun in Georgia! Atlanta We made a late night arrival to our friend’s Dale & Miri’s place nearish downtown Atlanta who we had parked our Oliver with previously. Based on our memories, we were pretty sure the bus would fit. His property […]
Ohio to Chattanooga – Bus Rallies and Bus Maintenance
After leaving Michigan we took a slow meander on our own to the next bus rally in Ohio. Dayton, OH While it wasn’t the most direct route to New Paris, OH – we wanted to stop at the USAF Museum in Dayton. So we got an early start from Sterling State Park just north of […]
Wrapping up Michigan
When last we checked in, we had just finished up touring the Upper Peninsula and Western Shore of Michigan. All and all, both were fabulous experiences with relative social isolation. As much as we love visiting friends and making new ones, we just sometimes need a break to be out on our own. Us introverts […]
Tourist Mode.. Off.
We’re always varying up the pace and style of our travel. Some weeks it’s more focused on work or being in one location. Other times roaming while in between set destinations. For the past two weeks we’ve been in more of a tourist, roam and explore mode. And after completing several months of intensive work […]
Lesson UP in Serendipity
Since we left the EAA Airventure show in Oshkosh, WI – we decided to explore an area of the country we’ve never been before. The Upper Peninsula (UP) of Michigan. With a goal set to get to Florida by early September, we figured we have a little bit of time to do some exploring. We […]
EAA’s Airventure – At Last!
When I was in high school, my Mom noticed a small blurb in the paper about a local Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) chapter offering free ground school for students – with expert instructors volunteering their time to teach a new generation of pilots. I had never heard of the EAA before, but I’ve always dreamed […]
Until Next Time, Madison
Our last update on our visit to Madison, WI covered our first week in town. This post will be a brief update of our remaining time – which we extended out until Thursday, July 26, to maximize our electric hook-ups with the heat wave. Sailing Lake Mendota Just after we made our post about Madison, we got an […]