All photos hosted on my Flickr Technomadic Adventure Set – click any thumbnail for larger versions, comments always welcomed. 🙂 I also usually upload more photos to Flickr than I include in my travelouges. When Chris and I were doing research on the best states to set up residency for tax and voting purposes while […]
On our way to South Dakota, we decided to pass through Wyoming and visit some places recommended by Chris’ dad. Yellowstone National Park We stayed in Yellowstone for two nights, and spent two days exploring around. It is truly other-worldy there – mud volcanoes, steam vents, geysers and all sorts of other gloopy colorful things […]
Oregon to Wyoming
For a little over a week now, Chris and I have been working our way eastward, following the Lewis and Clark trail, at least as far as Montana. It’s been an amazing adventure, and I have added 4 new states that I had never been to before – Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. We headed […]
Journey to Oregon
I looked at the calendar this morning and realized that September is almost over, and I haven’t posted much at all about our travels since Burning Man. So, here goes… On our way back from Reno, we stopped in Sacramento at Lindsay and Sean’s for a couple of days to get things washed and repacked. […]
Touring Northern California
Despite the drastic heat wave that hit us while on the playa (I’ve been assured that 112 degree highs and 95 degree lows is quite abnormal), I really did enjoy my time at Black Rock Desert. It was good to get a feel of desert life, hang out with some really cool people, geek out, […]
New Mexico & Colorado
One thing I’m noticing about nomadic life, is that the days start to blur together and I really loose track of what day it is. I was relieved last night when I realized it was Thursday, not Friday. So.. last I updated, we were at Lake Meredith in Fritch, TX – which was a spectacular […]
Lake Meredith
Texas is a big state. Even living here for 15 years, I never saw it all. This evening we’re staying over at Lake Meredith National Recreation Area, in the Panhandle – and area I’ve never been to before. We saw it on the map when we were plotting our course to Salida and decided to […]
Travelogue: St. Louis
When last we left our technomadic adventurers, they were heading out of Atlanta towards St. Louis… I’ve never really been to much of the midwest, besides Chicago and Champaign, IL before. And honestly, I really never previously had much of a desire to visit them – hearing less than exciting tales from friends who grew […]
See Rock City!
After years of driving in and around Chattanooga, Tennessee and being taunted by ‘See Rock City’ billboards.. I have finally seen Rock City! Fritz had always told me that it was something touristy and cheesy that he and his family did when he was younger – and thus it was never a priority for him […]