We have been so blessed to meet so many amazing people in our journeys - it's honestly what keeps us on the road! We keep this blog and share online mostly just for fun. Hearing from our readers & viewers is our greatest reward.
It's all about new friends, community and making connections for us.
Personal vs Business
THIS website/blog is our personal site - where we share about our travel life.
If you are looking for information about mobile internet, that's our work life - our day job. Please head over to RVMobileInternet.com - we offer a ton of free content there, made possible by our premium members. As a perk of their support, we offer interactive mobile internet guidance only via our member forums and classroom.
We strive to maintain a solid work/life balance - thanks for helping us with that by not contacting us personally about mobile internet.
There are many ways to interact with us..
Interact With Us
- Leave comments.. knowing our efforts are appreciated keeps us inspired to keep posting.
- E-mail? We love notes of appreciation, invitations (meet-ups, press inquiries, cool gizmos??), recommendations for cool stuff and generally awesome* things - so do drop a line.
- Please don't e-mail us questions (see below) - we have made time & space for that.
- Are you cool with our e-mail preferences? Then we are trusting you with our e-mail address, which is "contact@" then the URL of this blog.
- If your e-mail isn't within our ask, please expect a form letter reply or us simply ignoring your message.
* 'generally awesome' does NOT include publishing guest posts, sponsored posts, using your amazing infographic, promoting a product we don't authentically utilize, inserting links into our content, hiring you for SEO service, advertising inquiries or other such nonsense.
Join us on Social Media:
Please don't private message us on IG however, they seem to get hidden and we don't find them until it's too late. If we're in your area and you'd like to meet up - please e-mail us.
Technomadia Virtual Crew Facebook Group - this is our more intimate & interactive community where we hope to go beyond a typical fan/creator dynamic.
Want to Meet In Person? Spot us 'in the wild'?
Serendipity rocks, if you spot us out and about -please DO say hi.
Want to intentionally meet up?

We enjoy meeting our readers & viewers and we love making new friends!
If you think we might get along beyond just saying hi and your intentions aren't just to pick our brains - drop us a quick note, introduce yourself (you probably know far more about us than we do about you at this point) and suggest a meet up.
Happy hour? Dinner? Hike? Game night? Showing us something awesome in your home town? Local activity to explore together? Doing work on our boat/bus (hah, no really..)?
We love casually hanging out, getting to know each other and making new friends.
But please please please don't MAKE plans to drop by unannounced.
Please respect that our nomadic vessels are our personal spaces, our homes, our work places - and we are at heart, nomadic introverted homebodies.
If you've read this far, then you'd probably think this would all be obvious - but it's happened a few too many times. We'd much prefer being given the opportunity to make time for our visit (and have clothes on). Thanks!
Got questions? Suggestions?
Quick Answer: Don't Write
We genuinely love to help and we do enjoy answering questions.
But there's a LOT of you, and only three of us... and this is our hobby, not our business.
Sitting at the keyboard dealing with an overflowing inbox full of questions that all wanted in-depth responses became not so much fun. No longer inviting e-mailed questions has really given us a better life balance to make sharing our lives online more sustainable, so thank you so much for respecting that.
Instead, we have created time & space to field questions when we have the open mental bandwidth.. please join us in those places.
But first, please search the blog & videos....
We've been sharing since 2006, so chances are -
we've covered your question somewhere.
If we haven't, we probably don't have experience to share yet.
Still have a question? We'd really prefer answering in a public space where our efforts might help others too:
- We regularly host live video events with open Q&As. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and set notifications to be alerted when we go live.
- Ask on a relevant post
- For mobile internet questions: We were answering those questions so often, we made it our job - so please ask in the spaces we've created for that (ie. our office):
- Free: Head on over to our Mobile Internet Resource Center for research and follow up with basic questions in our public Internet for RVers & Cruisers FB Group.
- Paid: If mobile internet is important to you, consider joining as a premium member and supporting our work, we can go much further there in assisting you with our classroom, guides, videos, reviews, Q&A forums and webinars.
Want to e-mail us questions?
We've simply had too many people over the years send uninvited long e-mails, some with bulleted questions and long life stories wanting personalized in-depth feedback and advising. These sorts of e-mails can take HOURS to digest and respond to. We just don't have that sort of time.
So we are asking that you honor our personal time by saving your questions for places & times we invite them (see above). Please don't e-mail us questions beyond 'hey, what kind of wine do you like?' or 'can I take you guys out to dinner when you're in town?' or 'what temperature should I set the hot tub to?'.
If you're writing a story or want to interview us - please do write and ask if we have open time to participate.
Have suggestions for how we can improve our content?
We welcome you to enjoy the content as is.
This is our hobby and has been since we were both personal bloggers starting around 2001 - we have no goals of being pro-bloggers, as trendy as that is these days. Our style may not tickle everyone's fancy and we're mighty fine with that. We're absolutely confident you'll find mistakes & typos, that our audio may be off at times, that you don't like the print on our shirt, or the camera too shaky, that we'll press your personal pet peeve or you'll be able to suggest ways we can further spend our free time entertaining or educating you.
If it's that big of an issue for you, you might be happier moving along
Want to hire us for private 'brain picking'?
We have offered one-on-one advising in the past - but the reality is, we just don't have the open time to keep up with the demand. We spend far too many hours sitting around working and not out playing as is. So no, we no longer offer private one-on-one consults on any topic.