Our social media presence as ‘Technomadia’ is strictly personal, and we share authentically about our life on the road/water as full time nomads and high tech geeks.
We’re not a media outlet, news source, review site or commercial venue. We don’t accept advertising, paid content or guest posts.
We’ve built up a trusted reputation with our readers that we only share about products we authentically use ourselves, and we highly respect our followers.
If you represent a product that you think would should check out, and would like to send us a sample to evaluate – here is our general policy.
Note: Our policy for reviewing Mobile Internet gear is very different, as we do run a site dedicated to this topic and do head-to-head reviews.
Our Product Acceptance Policy
We’re more concerned with having the RIGHT product,
not the one we can get for free.
Most of the gear we talk about in our posts and list on our Mobile Gear page we selected ourselves, and paid for. We don’t pro-activately reach out for free products.
However, we know there are probably products out there that might very well be a fit for our lifestyle, or be better options than what we’re considering or currently utilizing. Or that a company we contact might like to send us their product for our feedback or appreciate the potential exposure their product might receive by us utilizing it ourselves. (Hey, we don’t say no to free or discounted.. we just don’t ask for it.)
We are very selective about products that we’ll accept. It has to be something we can see a use for in our lifestyle, or something we’re looking to upgrade anyway. Our free time is very limited, and we just don’t have spare time to spend on evaluating products that we just don’t need or want.
Our Product Evaluation Policy
We give any product we accept extensive long term usage before making any public statements about it – we don’t just turn the product on (or install it) and see if it works. We invest a lot of our own time into evaluating the product for our own application.
During this time, we may list it on our Gear Page (www.technomadia.com/rvgear) as a product we are currently evaluating. And we will clearly indicate who provided the product to us. At our own discretion, we also make some casual announcements on social media about receiving the product.
If we find the product becomes part of our daily arsenal of tools – then we’ll integrate in normal mentions of it into our postings and videos (and clearly indicate it was given to us).
By us accepting your product into our arsenal of tools, please be aware that this in no way automatically implies any of the following:
- Endorsement – We are not giving your product our endorsement. Unless we specifically authorize otherwise, we do not grant your company permission to utilize our personal names, the word ‘Technomadia’, logo, words, our images or any other graphics in your own marketing materials, website or social media engagement. Please ask specifically for this permission each and every time.
- Promotion – We do not promise to promote your product or brand further than casual mentions and inclusion in authentic ways as we talk about our personal life on the road. We are not offering your product advertising on our RV, blog or other social media outlets.
- Content Creation – We do not promise any specific content creation around your product – including blog posts, Instagram posts, Facebook posts or YouTube videos. Any content created is totally at our discretion.
- Extensive Product Feedback – If you desire feedback on your product based on our utilization of it, we will be happy to provide a complimentary quick private general overview to your company. However, if you desire an ongoing feedback relationship or in-depth analysis for improving your product and/or marketing, please be in touch to work out further terms for this. These are areas we have extensive backgrounds in, and offer on a professional basis.
- Product Review – We may choose to do a specific review at some point if we feel so inspired – either on our blog, in a video or on a vendor’s site. We do NOT accept monetary compensation for writing a review or mentioning your product in our posts – our inspiration comes from a really positive experience.
Return of Your Product
If the product becomes integrated into our lifestyle, we don’t intend to return it. Please be absolutely upfront if you have other intentions in sending us a review unit (and be aware that we have limited interest in putting time & energy into installing and checking out a product only to have to return it.)
If we end up not liking the product or utilizing it, we are more than happy to return it at your expense (or gift it on if you prefer). We’ll also do you the courtesy of not posting a specific review, and keep our opinions mostly to ourselves.
Our Reach and Demographics
We have been sharing our lives under the Technomadia name since 2007, and have built up quite a following and reputation as a go-to source for information on the nomadic lifestyle – particular when it comes to technology, RVs and boating (new!).
As of November 2018 under the ‘Technomadia’ name alone, we have 57,000 YouTube subscribers, receive over 150,000 monthly page views on Technomadia.com, have over 7000 subscribers by email and RSS, and 9000 followers on Instagram and 15,000 followers on Facebook. Plus we are very involved in various forums & groups.
Our audience is all mostly people following because they are RV or boaters themselves or considering the lifestyle – a highly targeted demographic. We also have a high percentage of followers who are of ‘working age’.
This blog is fueled by YOUR enthusiasm. Your comments help inspire the next post.. don't be shy!