The RVers
We're thrilled to be segments hosts on Season 1, 2 & 6 of this TV series on Discovery Channel, PBS, Apple TV, Amazon & Google Play.
- Season 1, Ep 1: A Sense of Community (free on YouTube!)
- Season 1, Ep 2: Mobile Internet 101 (free on YouTube!)
- Season 1, Ep 4: On The Road - Technomadia's Chris & Cherie (free YouTube viewing)
- Season 2, Ep 2: Entertainment 101
- Season 6, Ep 3: Technomadia: Cherie and Chris
Going forward we will continue to contribute in a 'guest host' capacity due to the logistics of filming.
RV Convention
We are thrilled to be part of the inaugural RV Convention - featuring over 30 RV experts. We share our story of how we founded the Mobile Internet Resource Center, and some tips on assembling your unique mobile internet solution.
Broadcasting from June 3-5, 2024
Click to Attend for FREE, or get a free VIP ticket to watch later.
Folk on the Water
Our fellow Great Loopers and full time cruising friends Dave & Stacey aboard Stinkpot, host a radio show on Folk Music Notebook. Dave Rowe is a talented Folk music songwriter and singer. We are honored to be asked to be guests not once, but twice!
Chapter 20 - February 10, 2022, recorded right after we first met and sharing our nomadic journey with songs important to us.
Chapter 27 - April 7, 2022, recorded while cruising the St. Johns River together.

RV Hacks
Released: July 13, 2021
We are super thrilled for our friends Marc & Julie Bennett of RV Love, and the release of their second professional published book for RVing. RV Hacks has over 400 tips for driving, finding campsites, organizing, booking, safety, pets, family and mobile tech for working remotely.
They asked us submit some mobile internet tips, which you'll find in the Working Remotely chapter.
Grab a Copy on Amazon

Great Loop Radio
We enjoy joining Kim Russo, director of the AGLCA (American Great Loop Cruisers Association) to talk about various topics about our Great Loop adventure.
- Great Loop Radio: Internet Connectivity for Working While Looping - October 16, 2020
- Great Loop Radio: Looping in Segments - November 15, 2019
- Great Loop Radio: Staying Connected While Looping - July 13, 2019

RV Small Talk
How many times have you wondered how to get better wi-fi or cellular data when you're out on the road or at the campsite? We wonder all the time! Cherie Ve Ard and Chris Dunphy have tried nearly all available options and literally wrote the book on getting the internet connectivity we crave while traveling. They've founded the Mobile Internet Resource Center to help all mobile internet seekers find their way to digitally connected bliss! You're gonna want to hear this!
Listen: Internet for RV'ers DEEP DIVE - September 3, 2020

Good Vibe Collective
We were guests on this nomadic collective's live show, discussing the differences between MIMO antennas and cellular boosters for improving cellular data performance.
View - June 27, 2020

RV Miles
We join for a discussion about our evolution as full time nomads, and creating our business with Jason Epperson.
Episode 121 | Chris & Cherie from Technomadia and the Mobile Internet Resource Center - Dec 9, 2019

Fear Less vs Fearless
Full time RVer since 2001, Malia published this book in early 2019 just before she passed away. We were completely shocked & humbled that her meeting with us in 2015 inspired her enough to recount that meeting on Page 115.
(all proceeds go towards up keeping her website running in her absence from this world - www.MaliasMiles.com)

The Home Story
FanieMae included us in an article on housing in America.
The Joys of RV Living - Oct 19, 2015 (article)
"Dunphy is among a group of young professionals who eschew the quotidian lifestyle of working and living in a permanent location for a nomadic adventure that they say only an RV can provide."

Secret Lives of Amazon's Elves by Gizmodo
In 2009, we worked peak season at an Amazon fulfillment center to experience this style of working on the road. Never did we imagine we'd end up featured on a major tech journal!

O'Reilly eTech
Tales from Technomadia (presentation) - ETech 2009
Our very first invitation to present at a tech conference ... and what a fun one it was! We still had Technomadia.com designed in FrontPage, it wasn't even a technically a blog yet.

The RV Entrpreneur
Originally founded by Heath & Alyssa the 'The RV Entrepreneur' podcast & community is now owned by RV Life - including a podcast, education and Facebook Group. We're honored to contribute and be featured by them.
- RVE 381: Best Mobile Internet Options for the RV Entrepreneur - February 13, 2025 (podcast)
- RVE 213: How to Get Internet for RVers (2021 Guide) - January 20, 2021 (podcast)
- The RV Entrepreneur Summit 2018 - February 2018 (Summit)
- RVE 104: Technomadia on Boat Life, Mobile Internet, and Escaping Hurricanes - November 14, 2017 (podcast)
- RVE 009: Technomadia on Mobile Internet, Self-Driving RV's, and the Nomadic Career - March 20, 2016 (podcast)

Full Time Freedom Week
We have been part of several years of this virtual summit, now run by RVDreaming.TV. The archive is now available as part of their monthly subscription content.
Mobile Internet for an RV Adventure - April 2022
Thinking Outside the Box - November 2019
- Mobile Internet for RVers - November 2018

Rubber Tramp Rendezvous 2021
We've honored to have presented on cellular based internet at the RTR Virtual 2021 event, which was broadcast on the Home on Wheels Alliance YouTube channel, with a shortened version available on Cheap RV Living.
- HOWA - Mobile Internet Options - January 17, 2021 (Full 1 hr long video archive)
- CheapRVLiving - Mobile Internet Options - January 19, 2021 (18m Condensed Version)

Wall Street Journal
We were interviewed for an article about RVers coping with the COVID-Pandemic.
Virus Maroons Some Recreational-Vehicle Nomads (April 19, 2020)

The Button Show
We were guests on 'The Button Show' - a weekly live show hosted by Chris & Jim of the Geeks on Tour. In this episode we geek out with options for mobile internet on the road and upcoming future advancements in technology.

Rootless Magazine
Launched in early 2020, this magazine and podcast are dedicated to the digital nomad lifestyle. Catch us:
- Issue 2: Digital Nomad Entrepreneurs
- Podcast Episode 026: Chris & Cherie (Technomadia)

Redhat Command Line Heros
Chris was interviewed for this podcast about his past career with Palm / Palm Source.
Smarter Phones: Journey to the Palm Sized Computer (January 2020)

Side Hustle School
Chris Gillibeau's podcast & community is dedicated to telling stories of earning income without quitting your full time job. The story of how we turned a side hobby of running this blog and answering questions about mobile internet into our full time career.
Episode 1001: RV Nomads Help Fellow RVers Get Online - Sept 28, 2019

Blaine & Honey Parker host a podcast interviewing couples who work together, and asked to come meet in person and interview us.
Episode 41: Love & Biz on the Road - October 31, 2018 (podcast)
"Want to take a leap and pursue a dream? After 12 years, this couple is technically still on their fifth date. They're also niche celebrities. Cherie Ve Ard and Chris Dunphy are world-famous tech geeks for their personal blog and website, Technomadia.com. Their business, The Mobile Internet Resource Center, advises those living in an RV or aboard a boat how to best connect to the internet. This pair has a really interesting yin and yang dynamic, and share a fondness for Burning Man. Their relationship began long before social media, when they met in an internet discussion forum about the Toyota Prius. "

SXSW 2011
Technomadism - Becoming a Technology Enabled Nomad(presentation) - SXSW 2011
We were invited to present at SXSW Interactive in 2011 about the lifestyle of technomadism. It was super fun, and such an honor!

The RV Podcast
We periodically join Mike Wendland for a chat about the current best ways to stay connected to the internet while RVing.
Starlink vs Cellular - September 2024
Top RV Internet for 2024 - January 2024
Choosing the Best RV Internet for You - August 2023
The Pros and Cons of Starlink for RVers - August 2023
Van Life Summit
We have been part of several years of this virtual summit, run by Project Van Life - presenting on Mobile Internet.
- Mobile Internet for Vans - February 20-22, 2024
Mobile Internet for Working Remotely - September 15-17, 2023
Mobile Internet for Vans - February 2023
- Mobile Internet for Vans - June 2022
MTOA Webinar Series
We'll be presenting on Mobile Internet for Boats for members of the MTOA (Marine Trawlers Owners Association) on November 1, 2023.
Roaming Home
Honored to be one of the featured van lifers in this amazing book by Shane Monks O'Bryne, that is a complete guide to building out a van conversion yourself. Full of illustrations and information from electrical, plumbing and finding a van to convert. Get it at TheVanConversion.com.

Changing Lanes RV - Carpool Lane
Chad & Tara of Changing Lanes RV invited us to join them for their YouTube Live broadcasting about finding boondocking spots, where we featured the mobile app we created US Public Lands.
Finding Boondocking Spots Video Archive - March 27, 2022

STO Nation
A podcast for the Storyteller camper van community interviewed us about our nomadic life, how mobile internet became our worklife and the latest in mobile internet options for RVers.
- 26. Chris & Cherie - Mobile Internet Resource Center - August 25, 2021 (podcast)
26. Chris & Cherie - Mobile Internet Resource Center - August 25, 2021 (YouTube recording)

Virtual Campfire
October 13, 2020
Cherie and Chris of MobileInternetInfo.com, and also Technomadia.com, join us LIVE to talk about connectivity on the road. These two are experts on all things related to mobile internet and have the inside scoop on deals and options. Their website is a wealth of great information, much of it free and their membership pays for itself with just one great insider scoop.
Watch the Archive: Internet Connectivity with MobileInternetInfo

RVing in New England
We were guests on NERVDA's RVing in New England Live podcast, talking about Mobile Internet options for RVers.
View Episode 86 - July 15, 2020

Campendium (our favorite online campground directory and review site) asked if they could interview us after noticing we're a top reviewer on the site.
Read about our story:
Full-time RVers Find Serendipity, Love (and Cell Service) on the Road

Motorhome Magazine
Working from a Motorhome - December 2019 (article) Mary Zalmanek included us in a round up of other working from the road RVers.
Freedom Isn't Free - August 2015 (article) Alan Ryder wrote his 'Road Ahead' column about our adventures and how we've constructed a life of freedom, while balancing a career.

Living the RV Life
Released in November 2018, we're thrilled to have been selected to be a featured case study in RVLove's book - the first on the RV lifestyle to be published by a major publishing house. (Adams Media, a division of Simon & Schuster.). We're page 185.
It's 256 pages and jam packed full of useful information for every aspect of the RVing lifestyle.

Campers in Vans Getting Coffee
Episode 17: Mobile Internet - Everything You Need to Know To Get Online - August 22, 2018 (podcast)
"In this episode, Chris and Cherie give us a general overview of how to approach your mobile internet needs and the options out there."

$100 Startup
The $100 Startup - by Chris Guillebeau (book)
We were one of the 100 case studies featured in this book about start-ups and alternative business ideas.